Question about "Let go of fear"

Hello everyone, it’s me again. I want to ask about the field “let go of fear, overthinking and worries”. I don’t understand what kind of fear this field will remove, because as you all know, there are many different types of fear and overthinking. Some people are afraid of being poor, some are afraid of death, some are afraid of heights, some people are afraid of thinking about the past, some people are afraid because it is a symptom of the detoxification process. So does this field address all of that fear? (except for unconscious fears since I know there is a separate field on this matter).

Also, how does this field compare to fields like amygala, hypocampus, or some field that changes the chemistry in the brain to make the mind happy again? I know they will support each other, but what is the difference?

Sincerely thank.


I believe that all those mentioned, any kind of fear you have, I can’t tell you what the difference would be for this amygdala.


there is a discussion for this field in the forum, you can ask your questions concerning this field in this discussion in order to gather all the information concerning this field in the same place,I think that this will be easier for everyone when looking for information about a subject (when all the information about a subject is grouped in one place). or you can use the ASK QUESTION …

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This audio unleash the fear works on your subconscious belief systems, it helps change over 50 subconscious belief systems in your mind.

I don’t believe maitreya has a field on the tonsils, but from what I compre’d, the tonsils stock / memorized the feeling of can (c it is an emotion that is saved and not beliefs),and therefore a field on the tonsils would release these emotions / feelings of fear.

Finally the let go of fear field tackles all types of fear (Again, by changing the subconscious belief systems relating to fear).