Purchasing from Gumroad

I am from India having so much trouble buying from Gumroad via PayPal. Please help Maitreya. Really want to support you.please help.


Hello, mate!
Thanks for your support!
2021 Gumroad will offer also card payments, but for now is only PayPal.


Love you Maitreya. You are changing my life in the best way possible.

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I just tested Gumroad and you can pay with credit cards. At least from Germany it works. Just bought “Become the best versionof yourself”.
I hope you get what you want Harman.

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Hey, did you buy fast manifestations +luck and abundance

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Not yet, my focus is currently more on spiritual awakening and transformation.

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I just bought on gumroad 13 fields, were easy…!


use credit card to transfer balance to paypal and from there pay in the gumroad.

easy :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Hey @Maitreya, if you decide to share or gift a gumroad/patreon audio with someone else, will that person still get the audio’s effects?

Yes, you can share the audio’s with your loved ones. :wink:


First of all, it is not so easy for me to assign results to a certain field or audio given the amount of fields I have around me all the time. Possible results that could possibly be assigned to this field are to be more self-confident in dealing with people. Especially when it comes to meetings with several people. I usually only prefer meeting one or two people at a time. So you could say a possible social phobia could have gotten better. So I’ve definitely gotten better in some areas, although not everything can be judged because there are hardly any social contacts due to Corona at the moment.


I saw somewhere that u can’t do that, and u wouldn’t get results if u didn’t buy it yourself. But I guess that u know more than everybody else. If u are still active here I’d love a reply for some clarity.

Friends and family can use it. :slight_smile:


Thanks bro, I got worried for a sec because I listen to audios that my adult friend bought, since I’m a minor I can’t buy fields under my name right now.

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How about I purchase using my Gumroad account and my name, but using my friend’s credit card. So the energy will effects on me or my friend that owns the credit card?