Gumroad vs. vs.

So what is the differences when purchased at:
Gumroad vs. vs.

Thank you


Patreon is the same strength as YouTube. Gumroad and MaitreyaStore carry the same products and are boosted at three times the strength of what’s available on YouTube & Patreon.


Do you know if all her products are on both Gumroad and her store.
Thank you

Of the ones that boosted versions, yes.

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Thank you again.


This post should be pinned, glad someone asked already.


OK so heres the deal. So the Mandala’s on Patreon ‘weaker’ than on Gum road and the maitreyastore? But you pay to join patreon for a lesser product? did I get that right,do I understand you correctly?
Two) I thougt if you joined Patreon that there’d be a 20% discount on ALL products,if that right or? Im new here and some this is very confusing and thusly a bit frustrating. Also if you know, does it matter level you’re on in Patreon with Maitreyafields,in order to qualify for the 20% on products or is ONLY for option number 3 the higherst monthly payment? thank you. I Know its a lot of question,they are however genuine and sincere
Im interested in weight loss, gaslightening healing,and codependant healing and cortisol control. thank you. Honestly I want the BEST strength in a Mandala and/or audio of course,not lesser.
with respect.

hey let me help

Patreon fields = Youtube fields (benefits is you can back up the fields in mp3 format)

Maitreya Store = Gumroad = 3x boosted, also some fields can only be found in the store

to get Gumroad “Patreon” discount (code: patreon ) you must use the same email in both gumroad and patreon

any of the 3 option , you can still use the code for discount

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Ahhh Geez !! thank you so very much. truly appreciated :slight_smile: Made my morning that much brighter!! :slight_smile: I Love Maitreya’s Fields DM’s. Have a beauitful Thors-day and weekend.
peace light and goodwill your way. K.

Has that changed by now? as in has the stregnth of Patreon’s MF’s are as strong as in the store and gum road alike? if so,Yes? if not why? thank you.