Below is a copy-paste from a post I made on the Sapien forum that has a lot of the relevant bits:
So I’ve never talked about my experiences with this one. Apologies that this will be somewhat long a post, however.
I know for a fact (with the tiniest wiggle room for doubt just in case but I’ll back this up in a second) that theres a connection with me and extraterrestrials. See, my mom’s had experiences with greys (which could be anyone from anywhere I’d guess from my limited “knowledge” on these matters) and aliens that show themselves to her in dream state also in human form, and twice or possibly three times, can’t remember, as a female with golden skin.
Now here’s where we get to the me backing up that bit I said, which is that they have told her that they had some hand in my being born. Not sure in what capacity. My mom is more psychically gifted than I am, I have some abilities and experiences but they’re different and fewer in number (but arguably more intense and extreme, but that’s very relative and not important); I’m not like her.
The concept of a starseed always resonated although I was wary of it just being a “wanting to feel special” ego type of thing until my mom came out to me about her experiences. (She also believes she had an implant in her neck and that it allowed her to see what looked like cloaked beings and some other visual phenomena I can’t remember currently, then after a surgery she thinks it broke or something because the experience stopped.)
There’s a weird dynamic that’s been going on where they will communicate to me through her dreams. I don’t dream often, even using my lucid dreaming extra strength field on Gumroad and stuff. It’s kind of random when I dream and 80% of the time is weird stuff like doing kamehamehas and being like a Dragon Ball Z character during a zombie apocalypse setting or something. But my first big alien intercession moment happened when I looped higher self connection like 10 times, then tap into the collective consciousness and finally alien intercession and I asked what I should do with my life and THAT SAME NIGHT a golden skinned alien female in my mom’s dream said “Alex needs to get back to helping”, something I’ve yet to fully decode, but isnt important to get into here.
I’ve had a bunch of crazy stuff happen randomly when this field is involved. Like one time I had put my lighter in a very specific pocket because it wasnt mine and I had made it a mission all day, successfully I might add, to keep track of it because, again, not mine. After alien intercession 3x or so I went outside to my ex’s car to look for something, felt something shift in that pocket, immediately checked and my lighter wasnt there and ended up somehow being in her jacket that she hadn’t even touched all that day. I took it to be a joke and a “yes Alex we do exist” type of situation.
I also asked for a UFO encounter and I was pretty positive something strange I saw was one. Not 100% but it looked like a star, was pretty close to the ground for an aircraft, hovering, moved one direction towards the sky, did a 90 degree turn another way and moved a lot faster and kind of just disappeared. Didn’t see a physical object on the light, just the light.
One time my mom as I was playing it a lot around a certain time and I was inquiring into where “my people” (lol) are from and my mom had a dream that was extremely vivid depict that, in energetic form, we are the same person in a sense split into two, and apparently the origin is what she said was displayed spelled out visually in a word to be (she swore this was it at the time but now isn’t sure) “Borron” which my digging around has turned up absolutely zero answers for me. I thought possibly boron could be an answer in code? Boron has the atomic number of five. Well, look at an atom visually as a solar system, that would imply five planets. If the asteroid belt were still a planet (I subscribe to the idea that it was once a planet) that would be #5.
This is an awesome field and tool. If anyone possibly might could offer any insight that would be lovely. I believe I’ll probably have answers revealed more to me in time but anything involving gold skinned aliens or if Boron/Borron means anything, do throw out something to me.
Oh another random puzzle piece. One dream she had was being told I have some… possibly other-dimensional “child” or something on my side, so to speak, now and used the term “kuman thong”.
“Kuman means sanctified young boy, thong means golden.”
She sounded pretty certain this being’s name is Stark and believed it was supposed to help bring about better luck/things to come about.
Veeery interesting things indeed. I’ve got to get better about meditating and being good at the types of things you guys are to get better tapped into things so I can possibly better figure things out for myself. Still, any input at all would be GREATLY appreciated. I’m pondering utilizing the different meditation fields to see if anything comes about that way. Always felt a tug towards Andromeda and, to a lesser degree, Arcturus. Also inner earth, which I suppose in rank would be between the other two in terms of personal resonance. I just haven’t felt any kind of pull anywhere in specific even the many times I’ve really tried to ponder and feel into the different possibilities.
Just kind of putting this here as well in case anyone here is down for discussion, questions or, most sought after of all, some insight on anything would be GREATLY appreciated.
I’m not under any sort of impression that theres dark motivations or anything, and I’m aware that entities can appear in different forms and be sneaky and all that. I haven’t had anything but positive and revelatory experiences with these beings but there’s still a ton of unanswered questions. I know more will surface in due time and all that good stuff but, idk, just figured I’d roll the dice here, so to speak. If nothing else, I like aliens and talking about stuff like that is cool lol
Edit: Additional visual information.
Gold skinned aliens look human like with slight differences and golden skin. Will update this later upon receiving further clarification. Also only their necks/heads were seen, nothing about the rest of their bodies are known, as far as my mom’s dreams and seeing them. I’ve had a… weird experience once myself that involves me “seeing” a gold skinned alien as well but mine was closer to the grey sort of body proportions and qualities and such. So, some sort of confusion there.
Also one time my mom had a dream of a blue skinned alien who…
I just scrolled down some Google searched images and she said that was the closest to what she saw. Which makes me lean towards, Arcturians? Unfortunately she can’t remember the content of said dream. Just the being
Also she notes a huge loving presence from the gold skinned ones, the blue one less so (not saying shes saying he was “bad”, just lacked that divine loving energetical presence that seeps into your pores lmao, so to speak)