Any thoughts on this experience? AI Protection needed?

Hi everyone.

(this will be lengthy. apologizes…)

soooo… :

I have been using fields for 2-3 years, (on and off, mostly on, but lately I have had a long break from all of it.) I have used Maitreyas fields for a while already, and recently purchased several fields on gumroad, it was right time getting back into the frequency game. I am experimenting with the 30-day field storage, and I instantly felt the energy working. I made a couple of storage items with basic energy frequencies I want to carry (Grounding&earthing, 7 chakras, restore etheric body + closing aura gaps, divine protection, + a few physical fields.)

After a few days this happened:

I had gone to bed, and after falling asleep I became “lucid”.
(I become consious, find myself in a liminal space. not a dream, not awake, but energetically and consiously aware. It has happened several times before, and I have regarded this as interaction with the spiritual realms before, without putting a lot of weight on these experiences, and I often forget about it)

So what happened this time was I became aware of a being that was present working on me. It felt like it was inside of me, but like it was there for a relatively brief time, while I was unconscious (only I woke up). I Instantly felt like it was meddling with energetic structures that was in place in my body. I felt one part from behind/above one ear to the other in the back of my skull, like a tight band/ribbon ca. 2 cm wide. I felt a small part placed inside my lower arm, just below the elbow. I felt also something in place in my neck, and I think other places in the body were affected too, like parts of the pelvis and possibly back and legs, but this was more diffuse. Then and there I sort of realized that this being(s) have been messing around with me for a loooong time (and I also suddenly remembered other times I have sort of become conscious of something unnatural going on with me, like clearly hearing a sound one time that made me wonder what it was, and a while back I had a very VERY disturbing dream that I instantly felt was something “wrong” with it. It felt like it was planted in my mind, somehow. Also something that was said to me in a reading once. made sense. All these dots connected to the presence of these beings. So I managed to sort of tell the being to fuck off, and it felt like it vanished. And I was left with this burning rage against these beings, for messing with my energybody this way, and putting this unnatural energetic structure inside my body, trying to imprison me. I was furious, and at the same time I felt blessed for becoming aware, because I knew that this was the end of their manipulation of my system.

Gaining awareness of this felt very significant, cause I have experienced managing to get rid of/resolving a very intrusive/abusive situation that I had going on energetically a few years ago. It didn’t start to clear up until I had a similar situation where I realized what was going on, and could take the necessary steps to clear it.

My recent situation instantly felt very, “ailien/A.I”-type vibe. Although I have some basic understanding, this has not been a field of interest for me, so I am not familiar at all with that energy, or have any sort of in-depth knowledge of what might be going on with this.

I know there are very skilled and experienced energy workers in this forum, I would appreciate your response. Is this my own crazymaking or have you come across similar situations before? Any advice on what I should do? I got the A.I Protection field, because it just felt like the right thing to do, and have been wearing it since.

I would warmly welcome any thoughts or input towards this situation. Even if you think I am loosing it, I guess I would want someone to tell me… :laughing: :pray:

Thanks :heart:


Okay, I will try to answer the question, to the best of my knowledge.

There are quite a few evil parasitic interdimensional alien races: reptilians, mantids, greys, spiders, etc etc. These are beings that do not have a ‘light’ of their own (they do not have a divine soul, which is the source of our divine power)

So they have been tricking us for houndreds of thousand of years to use our free will in order for us to welcome them in our energetic spaces (kinda like the story where a vampire can’t enter your house, unless you allow it).

After they attach to your energetic space, they begin to feed on you, and place all kinds of implants, and chords, preventing you from seeing that you are being used.

Moreover, these alien races, that the gnostics call ‘the archons’, they are the real rulers of this holographic matrix called Earth. After your physical body dies, they trick you that you are powerless, and have to atone for your sins, and trick you into signing soul contracts and agreements, and then they trick you into reincarnating again and again and again and … again. Why? Because this is the way that they steal our divine energy.

So basically our life on this 3D holographic Earth Matrix is just a prison, a lie, and our ultimate goal for our souls is gain this kind of knowledge and chose not to reincarnate, but to reunite with God (what the gnostics called the Pleroma, or the Primordial Divine Source of all Creation)

Now, it is remarkable that you have had an awakening, and could see some of the beings that are keeping you a prisoner,.and it is even more remarkable that you realized that YOU are MORE POWERFUL than THEM, and used your divine powers to cast them away. Because that is the catch, once you realise that you are NOT a weak victim, and have divine power and can do whatever you want, you can force them to LEAVE.

These alien races are logic-based and operate like a hive-mind. There are some theories that the AI we currently use on Earth comes from them.

So the “AI Protection Mandala” should in theory protect your mind from “archontic influences aka these beings messing with your head”

I have written more on this subject on the “Bardo Liberation from Samsara” thread

If you want to learn more about this topic, research the work of the following guys:

Corrado Malanga
Calogero Grifasi

They both are hypnotherapists, and pioneered this kind of Regression into past lives and the life between lives, and detailed the tricks these aliens are playing on us, and also offer solutions to get rid of the beings who are leeching upon us.

This is what my researches have revealed so far.

A hypnotherapy session, from someone well trained, can cleanse you completely. Of course this is just a method, and you already have come a long way in order to liberate yourself.


I am very grateful for your detailed response.

I have been reading the other thread as well now, and its all confirmation that I need to go deeper into gnosticism. The universe has been pointing me towards this path for several years by now, but somehow, its not been the time. When I first learned about the demiurge, and the basic idea of gnosticism my body reacted to it as Truth. And after reading your comments I am sort of amazed that I have known about it for so long and still managed to not research it further. (Must be the archons! :speak_no_evil::sweat_smile:)

I will look into the work of the hypnotherapists you mentioned for sure. My knowledge of Gnosticism is very superficial, I would appreciate good sources on this subject too.

Again, I really appreciate your input, thank you for laying out such a large and complex subject in simple terms to provide a context that is easy to comprehend. :heart: