New Release: Grounding & Earthing

  • Grounding & Earthing (balance, align, connect with the energy of the earth)

  • Release excess energy (resolve any energy overload, from too many fields or too much energetic sensitivity. release excess energy that is causing overload)

  • Integrate & Center (easily integrate all fields and energies, center yourself)

  • Correcting energy flow, and making energy flow downward (read more for info)

This article has to do with a peculiar quality of human beings. It is that a healthy body has an electrical charge between the head and the feet. If the charge is diminished or reversed for some reason, a person will be much less healthy.

This electrical charge is due to a flow of subtle energy, or ether, or vital force that moves through extremely tiny channels that run vertically throughout the body from the head to the feet.

Enhancing the downward flow of subtle energy through the body is the most powerful single method we know of to heal and develop the body.

The direction is from the head to the feet. It is the same if one is standing, sitting or lying down. For convenience, we call this direction the ‘down’ direction. The improper direction of flow (from the feet to the head) we call the ‘up’ direction.


Moving subtle energy downward from head to feet spins the three dantiens in the correct direction and much faster. This is also a reason why downward moving energy is healing.


The battery analogy. While not generally known, the human body is somewhat like a battery in which the head is positively charged and the feet are more negatively charged. In addition, each cell is charged in this way, in this direction. The etheric charge (it is not exactly the same as an electrical charge) is inside, and around each cell of the body. It can be measured with a simple volt-ammeter.

Moving energy downward actually recharges the body, somewhat like recharging a weak or discharging battery. Normally, as we age, our “battery” begins to run down. As this occurs, signs and symptoms of aging and disease occur.

The magnet analogy. The electrical or etheric charge also has qualities like a magnet, in that the charges of each cells are additive. This means that when placed together in space, or in certain arrangements, they enhance one another, provided the charge is in the same general direction.

This is exactly how magnetism works. If the iron atoms of a piece of iron or steel are all lined up the same way, a strong magnetic field is created, and the object becomes magnetic. If, however, the iron atoms are arranged randomly, no magnetism is measurable because the magnetic effects of the individual iron atoms cancel each other out.

In a similar fashion, if all your body cells are “magnetized” or “charged” in a similar direction, the body’s electrical field becomes more coherent and stronger. This has a strong healing effect. However, if the cells are either not charged enough, or the charge is reversed, health will be much worse.

A personal experience with this idea. Years ago, the author noticed that when he did the pushing down exercise, he could feel a mild tingling in the right hand, somewhat like an electrical current flow. He asked an electrical researcher to measure the electrical pressure or voltage on the body between the head and the right hand. Indeed, an electrical test meter registered several millivolts.

The sodium/potassium ratio and cellular charge. Dr. Paul Eck found that the sodium/potassium ratio on a hair analysis (but not on a blood or urine test) is a measure of the electrical charge on the cells. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory for accurate results.

This has to do with the sodium pump mechanism. It pumps sodium out of the cells and allows potassium to remain inside the cells for optimum health. This mechanism also depends upon healthy cell membranes. For proper functioning, these require adequate omega-3 fatty acids and many other chemicals found primarily in cooked vegetables .

Too many omega-6 fatty acids, which most people have today, damages the sodium pump mechanism, as can inflammation and other problems.

Among the many benefits are:

¡ Causes all the energy centers to open or grow larger, and to spin in the correct direction and in a synchronous and balanced way.

¡ This, in turn, activates the organs and tissues in a unique way that furthers their health, growth and regeneration.

¡ This can extend life and improve health in unusual ways, since the etheric energy can replace some of the body cells with a more hardy type of cellular material. It replaces the cytoplasm of the cell to some degree, apparently.

¡ The downward flow has many other benefits such as physical and psychological grounding and centering. These are discussed in detail in the Meditation article, so I will not repeat them here.

¡ Spinning and balancing the seven major energy centers opens the door, so to speak, for even more advanced mental and other development of the body and unfoldment of higher skills or abilities.


Thank you very much for applying, this brings many benefits, I will add it to my playlist


How many times should we listen to this? How often?

When you feel the need, if you are feeling overwhelmed by too many audios or tired, you can also ground yourself simply by going barefoot.


At one point I did this.
Energy audio
Energy audio
This was back before I found the new creators with shorter tracks. I say if you want really good results, ground after every few tracks to essentially clear the field.


yes, that is called Earthing which this field includes. so you can do that either way

Thanks for this tip! I added grounding audio in between tracks in my stack.

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I am an Aquarius (air element) person and I have been ungrounded my whole life.

I just added this mandala to my mandala stack with Fearless and Empath Protection. I am feeling very strong sensations from this one indeed.


Very underrated!

This one will be very usefull to me with Fearless and Mind Control mandala. The mind and body altering experiences that I am having are astonishing.

As stated in description, it will ground and remove excess energy and formulas out of your system. Make you stronger. Feeling of wellbeing is taking me over.

It’s a must have mandala!


It’s giving me vibrational sensation on skin, body is pullsating and I am feeling more alive than usual. I am able to stay awaken for longer period of time. At the same time it is bringing negative energy out at surface, givin me headacke. Bad formulas from other channels mostly I supose. Heavy combination Grounding and Mind Control mandala. Indeed


@Maitreya or if someone can answer this question that I have had in mind for a few days that would be nice :slightly_smiling_face::pray::sunny:

Can we watch it with us while listening to energy fields and wearing Sapien medicine pendant? Won’t that reduce the results by grounding the energies instead of staying on the aura?

I’m thinking it will help mitigate the energy process by dumping the non essential energy when needed and allowing for a better flow and capacity without overloading the system?

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Yes you can

If you are using way too much energy for your energy system, then the excess will be sent to earth, and the rest of the energies will give you the desired results depending on your abilities (you and the energies) to get some results.

With or without a grounding mandala, if you are already at the limit of what you can manage in terms of energy, adding more energy to your system will not help you get more results or new results.

As it is not necessarily obvious or easy to know your own limits or to know when one is about to pass to an overload of energies, p because our system is already full of energy, so the grounding mandala allows us to handle that automatically for us. The small inconvenience could be to waste a little time unnecessarily continuing to use energy when we are already saturated with energy, but that we do not realize it because the mandala systematically balances us, hence the interest in knowing a little the quantity that we can more or less manage.I hope that gives us some food for thought.


@Takyon @Nexus This information will allow me to see more clearly

Thanks for your answers guys, it’s super nice :slightly_smiling_face: … :ok_hand:


I am sleeping with my stack of mandalas after I added Grounding mandala to it. I am sleeping like a baby.

Did anyone buy Concentration and Focus mandala? How is it?


Thank you for reminding me I have it lol been leaving it on the desk every time I leave the house.

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So it basically flushes out fields if u can’t handle them? Or how does that work.

this mandala reduces the energy that is in excess in your system, sending the excess energy into the earth.

so is it like the extra sensitivity and excess energy from other fields? like it wont flush out any fields, just the excess energy?

I am not sure I understand because it seems to me that the answer has already been given.Perhaps you can read the previous answers more calmly and you will have a better understanding of them.

These fields are programmed energy, the more you listen to the fields, the more energy will accumulate in your energy system.As soon as you exceed your storage limit, you will have energy overload phenomena (see FAQ for more details), and that’s when grounding comes in handy. Grounding will not remove the fields you have used, but will decrease the strength of the fields depending on what you can handle. I hope that helps to have some food for thought.


alright man, thanks, thats all i wanted to know. just wanted to make sure that i was correct in my assumption.

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