Thank you for telling me of the amazing field editor. I am def gonna use it.
With this field in particular, the description doesn’t mention the aura to begin with (which is why I wasn’t sure). Only the title does. How should I go about this?
Also, the description for field editor says it is an addition to emitter. Does editor work with mandala manager too? Or only field emitter?
It works with MMV2, too. I don’t really use the Emitter.
If there is no radiance in the description then no need to worry. You can always say a command to the field - I don’t want Mike Tyson’s aura just his skills and mindset.
Thank you! So just throw the Field Editor and the text file in the MMv2 folder. The order of the files doesn’t matter with editor, correct? I know MMv2 needs to bethe first file in the folder to work for instance.
An excellent field! I tried the YouTube version for about a month, and it gave me strong motivation to work out daily. I also noticed that the ladies seemed to appreciate the change in my aura.
Sorry to bug so much. I have one more question about this field. It works great but I get a little too much energy boost during the night. I normally activate energy boosting mandalas (limit breaker, super sayan etc.) only from 6 am to midnight to allow myself to get a good night’s sleep between midnight and 6 am. Can I do the same for this one or will it hinder the results? Is 18 hours a day ok?
Absolutely. Everyone should adjust their energy work to fit their own body. If you feel too energized, then reducing time will be reasonable. It won’t hinder results, 18 hours is a lot anyway.
Is this the youtube version of the exact same field (I am imagining you changed the name for youtube)?
Same field
Old description:
Mike Tyson Aura
This field will give you the amazing knowledge of Mike Tyson. How Cus D’ Amato made him a champion with focusing on his subnoscious mind.
Will setup into your mind all the skills and talent along with improvement for your condition and endurance that a champion boxer like Tyson has.
Cus D’ Amato technique will make you believe without any blockage that you can be an amazing boxer and win any enemy and whatever you want and as added effect will give you the amazing skills of Mike Tyson without any effort. That amazing technique called hypnosis and was the secret of Mike Tyson killer instinct.
• Will strengthen your punches to a superhuman level (300-500%) and make you as fast as you desire (around 24 hours if you don’t practice. If you practice you will maintaint it)
• So genius and talented and fast acting while you fight.
• Will improve your endurance and give you amazing defensive and protection skills.
• Will make you a survivor of real life and a warrior machine. (Soul of the warrior)
• Will give you incredible superhuman muscle and frame strength and super saiyan effects with energy and speed (500%)
• As an added effect will give you a great skeletal system with heavily strong aligned posture at the supernatural health and strong Hulky frame.