Is this overdoing it?

I Plan on getting and running these next week. I am new here to these Mandala’s but not new to working on the self on many levels,on a regular for years now. MY question is , the list below ,is this OVER DOING IT? what do you think? Yes I Plan on drinkin a ton of water,getting ample sleep and eating well…
DM: Love & Forgiveness
DM: Release Parasites - Physical and Energetic
DM: Trauma, Incident & Limiting Belief Clearing
DM: Trust Issues Healing
DM: Innate Faith in God

I could run 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening,spread it all out or test drive running all 6 together at once and see what it goes,if I can handel that much energy.
I Live out in the beautiful sticks so getting out and walking,touching the earth,being in nature for the sake of grounding isnt a problem. I also have elite Shungite and Orgone energy to keep me grounded during the process. thank you kindly for the feedback!!

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It really depends on one’s energy capacity.


I AM ONLY going to be using a few at a time and ONLY on my Lappy or on MY Phone,no more thank 3 at one time, 1 each- 3different titles and may/or will add on accordingly. SO according to what I can handle,as such. Theres an Expand your energy or ability to handle more energy title some where on the Maitreyafields store site(The ability to take on and handle more energy!) but that’s a title for another time. one thing and one step at a time.

This is the absolute hardest rule to follow for me but it is a personal rule I have. Only add a maximum of 1 field per day. It’s hard to be that patient. But it’s well worth it. I can lose days of progress by adding more than 1 and not jiving right with an effect but not knowing which field brought that effect. It’s worth it so you can know exactly what you want to keep using long term and what just isn’t a best fit for you.

You can usually learn if a field will bring up any undesired effects for you in the course of a day. Sometimes it only takes an hour first thing in the morning to realize you don’t want the change. Other times you might have to go a day or two even. But the more you are mingling with people and new people, the better you can notice.

It bites to add 3 or 4 fields and after a couple of days realize something isn’t going right. Then have to remove them all and eventually add just 1 back until you know which one it was. Better just to start at square one from the beginning than try to run and then have to go back to square one anyway.


So you use only field a day - be it audio, mandala or a tag?

I try that but get tempted to use this and that :rofl:

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Lol. Hahah. No. I use soo many fields. I only use one more field per day. 1 new field a day. Combined with all the ones that passed my test on the days before.


all I can say and want to say is THANK YOU for your insightful results and approach!! thank you, I will follow the protocol presented to me. Very Much appreciated!!


Glad it helps. Sincerely. It’s been hard advice for me to follow (too eager I am). Even though I came up with it. But the longer I go this road of fields, the better I do at keeping to this because I keep learning, I can’t deviate from this without setbacks.


Hats off to ya, again, Thank you.

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The point of everything is to feel happy and blessed inside your body in mind. With the help of the fields, this can happen a lot faster and easier than other practices which take months/years. So, thinking from this point of view - use the fields you really need to boost your mood and feel good and when you reach this point - stay there. If you start to feel tired, without energy, with headaches, or something that is not close to happiness and bliss - drop some of the fields that you don’t need anymore.


that’s why i love you maity, you always give practical advice!