I need help for the field usage method

When i use one field at a time i get results often overnight, sometimes within 2-3 days but when i listen 2 fields at a time i do not get results. Will it take longer to get results if i listen more than one at a time.? Please help :pray:t2:. @Maitreya

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Play this field before your main fields and check if this helps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKg8a1Fq-rI
Some people have the mentality to do one thing at a time. They need to finish one task first before they move on to another one. There is nothing wrong with that. If this is your case, then you might try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHuXW57R-bQ and set the intention to remove this pattern from your submind if this is what you want.

