I have a different take on the matter. It is a personal point of view based on my own experiences. I may be too naive, but I’ll put my story here:
In the past, I used to feel something happening around me when I was lying down to rest or sleep. “Invisible hands” touched my body, and I often felt “something” moving around my energy fields. I could sense the mattress getting pushed down by that thing when it moved.
My mind would imagine made-up stories of entities. I often got terrified, but since I didn’t know what it was and couldn’t do anything about it, I just observed it until it left.
This strange incident happened almost every day, and every time I lay down, I would literally think about it (like a trauma), and it would appear minutes later.
The exciting thing was that if I were preoccupied with other thoughts or not paying attention, I would forget about this invisible force, and nothing would happen.
Today, I have a different take on this: I don’t know what’s happening. The only “fact” is that I feel some energy moving around and interacting with my energy field. Everything else is only a story that my mind creates. If I identify with the story and believe in it, it becomes true for me. It’s not a universal truth but a personal truth that I choose to adopt.
Sometimes the incident still happens, and I’ll be aware of this energy moving around, and then after a while, it’s gone like a cloud in the sky.
Like everything in life, it isn’t anything until you call it something. If you’re experiencing something that you don’t understand, and you have to know what it is, my only advice is:
Be creative and call it something that inspires and uplifts you. Until you truly understand what happens, you’ll be better off if you believe in an inspiring story than some scary stories your mind makes.
If you read my other posts in the Copier field thread, you know that I hear voices in my head. In the last two days, I’ve been experiencing voices in my head while I’m going to sleep at night. I’ve noticed that what I initially “call” it when the voice first appears will determine the rest of the experience.
On the first night, when I “called” it "the voices of entities, they were accompanied by inner visions of bizarre events and external energetic activities in my energy fields. Although I did not witness fear, it was uncomfortable and disturbing to my sleep.
So the following day, I re-contextualized the voices as internal trapped, karmic impressions that were released and showed up as voices. The voice then just surfaced and disappeared. My mind became quiet, and there were no internal/external activities on the second night. Tonight, I tried it again with the same result.
I may have to experiment more, but I’ve to conclude that what you believe will be what you’ll experience. It is even more true for the cases of unseen forces such as thoughts, energetic influences, etc. So watch your beliefs, as they can manifest “evidence” to prove that you’re right when you’re actually experiencing a delusion.
My point is: Your pain in your leg may be just that. But the moment you experienced it, you “called” it blockages caused by entities. You may hear it from someone else. It may be true or not. I don’t know. The belief may be the cause that “locks/blocks” the painful leg from healing. What if you re-contextualize and see only the facts, not what your mind says about it. And let go of anything that may not be true. This may be a good starting point.
You may try this:
From a Surrendering point of view, everyone has trapped karmic impressions in their mind, heart, and bodies. These energies want to be set free and appear as random thoughts, dreams, emotions, sensations, etc. You can think of unknown/unexplained pains in the body as a form of releasing. See them as what they are, feel them, and accept them fully. Let go of any notions that may interfere with the releasing process. Trust the intelligence behind everything, and let it do its work. The pain will run its course and will heal after that.
Just my two cents. Please disregard if unhelpful.