How Masculine and Feminine Concept Evolved

This is something that I have come across a few times already in spiritual circles. I really hope that you will share your views.

We are f… No doubt about it. Natural balance is distorted. We have so many genders, that I sometimes don’t know which one is mine now. Children are not protected from sexual offenders at all. They’re even educated at school to be confused about their sexuality.

We also have movements, where we are trying to get back to the previous model. Women are feminine; men are masculine. Receivers and providers. Men lead, and women follow etc etc. We want to go back to our roots.

In Lemuria, we had matriarchal. Many of those who remember those times would say it was the most nurturing time for humanity. Women were leaders, communities thrives, men respected women and served them as protectors.
Then we had Atlantis, where there was gender equality but also hierarchy. The most powerful ruled over the rest. Not slavery, yet. How it ended, we all know.
Olimp, Rome, and Egypt were gods playing their own games. Some of them were good, but all of them were worshipped. So, humans became slaves.

The world was rebuilt in the patriarchal system. Men lead. We all know the history.

Now we have everything completely upside down, and we all trying to find own balance. In some circles they say, that there is no way to back to any of those systems. We need a new one. We can’t go back to men - providers, leaders, and women - home, kids, nurturing.
Just as our souls evolved during those eras, also our energies.
Another aspect is that we have Starseeds in the amount that never happened before in history. They bring completely different behaviours, wisdom and talents.
How your soul blueprint affects your human behaviour is amazing to observe. I love watching people and their energies.
I recently watched a guy doing tarot reading. At first, I was a little bit confused; I said to myself, don’t be tarot racist, lol. The guy was great.
Our natural root would be:
women - spiritual, 5D, nurturing, caring, receiving, magnetic
men - protectors, focused on creating comfort and stability in 3D, giving, electric
And yes, we all have masculine and feminine, but personally, I think the old model during this ascension, when we have a variety of visitors and one huge energetic pandemonium, is not something that can work out. I think we need something that would not put us into another box and allow each of us to express their own energy and life in the authentic form. And then let masculine and feminine energies find each other based on resonance.

What are your views about it?


This is kind of a sensitive subject nowadays. I hope I don’t offend anyone with my views, but I definitely believe it’s by design in order to get in the way of people’s happiness and evolution.
A prerogative of evil is to lie. A good lie is always based on the truth. Even the political left and right seem to embody the deranged feminine and masculine today (the first with its patronizing compassion, and the latter using a hammer to solve every issue).
Moreover, the emphasis on identity seems also deliberate. Any spiritual practitioner knows the benefits of NOT identifying with one’s mind-body. Practicing the opposite seems at best harmful.
Throughout my life I met some men that were very masculine. Some of them had been in battlefields or unfortunaly had to harm people to defend their families. In their private life they were incredibly nurturing and sweet.
Conversely, the women that seemed to fully embrace their nature, were lionesses when it came to protecting.
I am not saying that is the goal necessarily, but true yin is the yang and true yang in the yin. That is what tends to complete us and keep us balanced. That is also what keeps jungian archetypes to go dark.
The lies in the media (whether they tell you to identify as a squirrel or become an unstoppable alpha who drinks gasoline and disrespect women) are, in my viewpoint, manufactured to hinder our progress and stop us from developing a healthy mindset.



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This is a time of confusion no doubt. It’s a time of confusion not just on basis of gender but also on class. It’s great to not be confined by a box be it gender or class/ work/ vocation, but it also creates a entanglement in how the energies want to flow through us. Typically through humanity energies of warrior, priest, king, scholar, mother, father, goddess, muse, siren, lover etc have flown through and previously classes tended to be externally confined to certain genders but with evolution our capacity to play multiple energies have expanded but probably our ability to deal with each other’s expansiveness is still a work in progress. When there is such a pandemonium and a solid ground is hard to find, I find it best to dig in deep and sort out what we wish to stand for and what to carry forward and keep working with it, meanwhile if something emerges, we have to let it flow. I am not in favor of putting more labels to categorize, since the whole point was to not have labels. But humans function best with some sort of categorization, the level or intensity of that differs from person to person. The masc/ fem understanding has to be more fundamental than social or cultural roles for us to pinpoint anything. Till then just gotta be single or find someone we resonate with.
An obvious sufferer of this confusion and familial structure and families breaking are the children. CSA and trafficking is a never ending concern. I feel baffled about how to go about this. I hope we can see all children as our own and treat them with love, kindness and respect.

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What people often consider authentic may not actually be so.

To uncover true authenticity, one must seek and understand the truth, strip away all unnecessary layers, heal past traumas, release negative energies, learn to feel deeply, love fully, and find harmony within themselves and with others. Only then can we begin to discuss genuine self-identity.

But what if someone’s sense of authenticity in this life is not the truth? What if it is shaped by wounds carried over, for example, from past incarnations?

What if a woman’s desire to be musculine comes from ancestral energies—rooted in times when men perished in wars, forcing women to harden their hearts and take on strength to ensure survival for themselves and their families?

What if homosexuality, for instance, is not an inherent authenticity but a motivation influenced by specific collective energies or egregores?

It’s important to realize that when these energies are cleared, one’s perception of self can change completely.

Abraham Lincoln had a favorite riddle: “How many legs does a dog have if we call its tail a leg?” Most people would answer five. But Lincoln would reply, “No, it still has four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one.”

PS: Years ago, a healer once asked me if he could pose an uncomfortable question: “Are you, by any chance, a man who sleeps with other men?” I replied, “No.” He then shared that he perceived me as someone with very feminine energy, adding that such energy is often found in gay men.
At the time, I hadn’t had any relationships with other men( I’ve never had) , but I did have a motivation—a desire to explore and experience everything life had to offer.
However, after years of deep work on myself, everything naturally fell into place. All the related distortions, motivations, and desires completely disappeared.

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One can never be offended—offense is something you choose to take.

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My favorite part… totally agree.:+1:

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Other than anatomy & physiology, where does masculine & feminine distinction arise from?


That made me laugh so hard! :rofl:
I once watched a woman in front of politics dressed like a cat. And she said, “I identify as a cat”. And then, she shoots them with a brutal speech about how this could be taken as a mental disorder and fact that she struggles with reality perception. Then she said, “Why do you let people who struggle with their own identity take jobs in schools with kids, in public sector if their perception is the reality wrong.”

Many people decide to stay in the wrong relationships out of fear of being alone. That is another issue.

I didn’t think about egregores, but LGQBT+ defo would be one of them. There is another theory I heard and, when I searched for answers for my family member who’s child acted gay no matter what they tried to do. He is also very beautiful, not handsome. Since 1983 in children’s vaccines all over the world you can find stem cells.

That could come from those sources.
When you inject female stem cells into a baby boy’s body, it causes genetic modification and can affect him psychologically. I didn’t check this theory fully if this is how body would react, but after covid I wouldn’t be surprised they even inject hexes and curses. Logically this could also randomly affect your identity and feeling of being a woman trapped in a man’s body.

Interesting. I was perceived as lesbian a few times, when I was deeply in a masculine energy years ago. By normal men, so even people who aren’t spiritually advanced can sense masculine/feminine dynamics subconsciously.

Soul can also be more feminine or masculine. Even trees have genders.

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People often lack an understanding of the truth about a certain issue as it was intended by the Creator, so many end up considering their deviations as normal.

To draw an analogy, it’s like how many people, from childhood, don’t really know what love is or how it feels. They simply assume that love is the behavior they observed from their parents growing up — which might include yelling, abuse, or violence, for example.

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Strange times we live in for sure :smiley: