General Questions Maitreya Cosmetics

Since there is no Tab for general questions I will open one. :smiley:

I do have some questions:

Is it okay to use 2 shower gels in one go? For example using Deep peace and sacred forest one after the other.

For how long is the field activated after I use a certain product?

How does the connection to the field happen? With Shower Gel for Example: Do I apply it and wait for it to soak in, or is it applied immediately with touch of my skin?

Do you have any general guidelines on when to use which product? I know some are good after physical exercise like the medicine man but what about the Shower Gels.
Using Deep Peace Potion would make sense in the morning and the evening. Using Sacred Forest makes sense in the morning.
Just wondering if there are any general guidelines or if I should just experiment.

And one last one: Will those fields be integrated into my being like Mandalas or do they function differently?

That’s it for now :laughing:


You can combine the products however you feel is best. I think Sacred Forest + Deep Peace is a good combo.

The field is active for about two days once it’s applied to the skin—that’s when it gets activated. It doesn’t have to stay on you; you use them like any other products. But as soon as it touches you, it activates and embeds the field in your aura.

Maybe we should make some guides on how to use them. I can give an example: right now, I’m working on prenatal traumas from the womb, which is connected to the face foam that contains healing properties for this issue. Someone can set the intention to clear these traumas, and if they’re relaxed, they might even see certain things with their eyes closed as they’re released.

Arnica can also be used with a specific intention. For example, I recently used it for stomach pain. When I apply it, I set the intention for that specific area to be corrected. You can also set a general intention for overall health and do a round of 10–15 days of applying it plus holding that intention. This will have a significant effect.

It’s best to experiment with them.

I personally use Sacred Forest before going to the office or any place where I’ll be around people—it’s formulated to help you step into a leadership role and have more respect, among other things, but that’s the main idea.

All fields integrate gradually. You can use them as long as you need, but typically, when we move to the next level, we often find ourselves returning to a certain field again. Ancestral issues are a good example—I’ve been working on myself for many years, and they still come up from time to time. The good thing is that we now have tools that automate much of the work and provide an easy flow and direction of energy.


@Maitreya I apply the shower gel and the effect is 48 hours, okay?

So… can I shower every 2 days? For example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday?

Or is it better to apply the shower gel EVERY DAY?

Thank you.

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It is up to you how often you want to use it.

I noticed that cosmetics work faster and deeper than mandalas or audio, because it is linked with self-care. Some people might have resistance to “energy work” as a part of programming. But applying salves, herbs, creams in order to achieve results is something different.
Why? Because we are bombarded with advertisements “Use this cream to restore your youth.” This helps for this or that. And you have strong belief in your subconscious about that. So you can use exsting system and apply cosmetic with energy programming and your mind will not fight back because it got used to believe that this salve or cream has effects.

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Could I be using too many Cosmetics?

Right now I have the following in my arsenal:

The Medicine Man
The Northern Shaman
Deep Forest
Negativity removal
Deep Peace potion
Zink Salve
And I use the little gift of the Face Serum Rejuvenation also.

I feel like I might be overdoing this but its strange because I simply use the products for the product´s sake.

Shower gel, salves and the Face Cream. Its stuff i need everyday.

So Far I felt the deep peace effect only once and it was really nice but I hope to experience it more often when the field integrates with me.

What is your opinion? Should I stop using some of the products?

I love the smell of the Negativity Removal btw!


Thank you for your feedback! You can use them all the time, no problem. I also use almost all of them every day, and my days have become much more cheerful and pleasant. Besides the fields, I adore the scents of the shower gels. I’m glad you liked them too. :smiley:

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Thank you for the fast reply :grin:

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Cosmetics works stronger than fields. What you might be experiencing is a self-care feeling.
Do I deserve to feel this way? Do I deserve to take care of myself or am I overdoing this?

Sometimes, cosmetics will bring hidden stuff to the surface first. I remember when I started to use Tree of Life for my hair. I had to cut my hair short as a result of trauma, and I was devastated. For the first few nights, I had nightmares, and then soothing relief. It really speeds up hair growth btw. I always had thick hair but now is even more.
Same with Arnica. I used that for pain stored in my ovaries. I had many stuck emotions and sexual trauma there, and after a few weeks, it got released. I cried, and my body also cleared it in its own way. It completely changed my cycle, but also I no longer have issues with pain during intimacy.

You won’t get overloaded with cosmetics, but because they work on physical and energetic levels at the same time, you might experience things stronger. It will bring things up and then you will start to feel better.
Sometimes, the first block we need to overcome is that we don’t deserve self-care.

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Some things have been coming up lately actually.

The bad memories I have from my old self, who was a looser with women and also in general.

I just think back to that time and get a bit frustrated about it, but it is important to see which Emotions are stuck inside my body.

I had forgotten so much but it‘s slowly returning to me.

I still feel good about it, because I have developed so so much in the past 3 years!

Thank you for your response and I‘m glad you are doing better :smiley:

Camphor has Maitreyas personal protection right?

So I don‘t really need any other form of protection or is there something this field doesn‘t protect from?

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Yeah. In this salve are all my protections which are for all malicious energies, attacks, etc

I don’t think you will need anything more

It has even protection for black magic, spell, hexes, vexes and all kinds of sh*ts

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Hell yeah! No one can mess with us! :lion:

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:lion: :joy:

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