Environment Series Suggestions


We are planning to create an environment series for which we already have many ideas. Can you share what changes you have noticed that would be good to make in your surroundings? The fields we will create will have a range of 10 kilometers.


free of noise, order, security, respect for neighbors and the rules, respect for the neighborhood, good vibes.


Purify the air from all the stuff smoke stacks pump up in the air, what they spray in the skies, stuff that furniture and carpets outgas, tobacco smoke, car exhaust toxins. And also add negative ions in the air.


Harmful EMF protection but not exactly directed to humans but for animals and plants, helping them thrive no matter how many Saurom towers we have installed. This could nourish bees, hummingbirds, etc. Like a nice boost and shield for Nature.

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Anti crime, vandalism, and burglaries.

Maybe like a sensor /magnet that helps like minded people gravitate towards each other when out and about.

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A DM against noisy/disrespectful/parasite neighbor please please please


Thank you so much for thinking of that and asking our input. Getting rid of Mosquitos, termites, roaches and other pests. Cleaner air, high tension wires, EMF, pollution in general.


Wish / intention booster for those who prays, make birthday wishes,

temperature / weather control if possible , here temperature reaches 50C - a call for rain would be nice

gentle healing for those in range , good for those that have chronic diseases

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(Required More Than Ever in Today’s Time and Age).
Neutralization of all types of harmful non-native EMFs (Manmade Electromagnetic Fields) and Geopathic stress, both results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body, exposure can cause neurobehavioral disorders, including circadian imbalance, headache, fatigue, depression and anxiety (ref. “EMF toxicity symptoms”).
By conversion of all that to a native EMF like a Schumann Resonance or/and to Positive Ions / Ground/Neutralize. Good luck and Blessings @Maitreya.

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