DM: Self Worth

All the good things in life—abundance, fulfilling relationships, career success, business opportunities, and financial well-being—ultimately blossom from one essential seed: how we value ourselves and the love and respect we hold within. When we feel worthy, we unconsciously open the door for life’s gifts to flow our way. But if our sense of self-worth is buried under doubts and fears, we often find ourselves blocked from the very abundance we yearn for.

For many people, a fragile sense of worth begins in childhood. Overly critical parents or caregivers can plant the doubt that we’re never good enough, while a lack of genuine praise and validation may leave us questioning our abilities, unsure if we ever truly measure up.

Trauma, too, can shake the foundations of self-esteem. Emotional or psychological mistreatment can rob us of the belief that we deserve kindness and love. Chronic rejection—whether in early years or later in life—etches itself into our psyche, making us question if we’re worthy of acceptance and belonging.

Sometimes, the culprit is the relentless drive for perfection. When we set impossible standards for ourselves, even small missteps feel monumental, reinforcing the lie that we’re failing at life. In an age where social media parades polished highlights of others’ triumphs, it’s all too easy to feel hopelessly behind or perpetually unworthy.

Another layer of struggle arises when self-worth depends on external applause. If our confidence hinges on how others view us, we become vulnerable to every tide of praise or criticism. This shaky foundation can crumble the moment someone withholds approval or when we face an inevitable setback.

Yet what we all truly need is to feel accepted just for being who we are. In a caring environment that allows exploration without severe judgment, we find the courage to make mistakes and learn from them. But when vulnerability is met with scorn or indifference, a fear of rejection can become so overwhelming that we bury our real selves beneath protective masks.

We also need our feelings to be heard and validated. When people brush aside our emotions or label them as unimportant, we lose sight of our intrinsic worth.

And the never-ending comparisons—whether from family members, colleagues, or an idealized online world—tend to gnaw away at our confidence when we’re not living up to someone else’s metrics for success.

Over time, these obstacles solidify into deep-seated fears and limiting beliefs. The terror of being rejected can convince us to stay silent and settle for less. The determination to avoid getting hurt can lock us into patterns that only reinforce our lack of self-worth. Doubts like “I’m not good enough” and “I don’t deserve love” settle in, becoming unwelcome companions we can’t shake off.

Yet within each of us lies a powerful resilience. Recognizing and understanding how these feelings develop is the first, crucial step in creating a healthier relationship with ourselves. With the right support—places and people who offer unconditional acceptance—we can begin unraveling the layers of self-doubt. We can learn to redefine our worth not by external measures or the approval of others, but by the unshakeable truth that we are enough simply by virtue of being human.

When we finally give ourselves that gift of self-love and respect, we unlock the potential for life’s greatest treasures to flow naturally to us. Fulfilling relationships, meaningful work, and financial stability—they all have room to grow once our own worthiness stands firm at the center of who we are.


This is a beautiful field. Whenever I have not got something or something has not worked out, I called myself unworthy in the past. I have repositioned my perspective to see how I was unfit for it/ not compatible with it. Its a lot of inaccurate perception on my part to entangle and get wound up over such things. I feel a lot of relief with this, energy that was invested in running unworthiness loops has got freed up and can be invested in goals/ projects more aligned with me. :pray:t3:


January has always been the hardest month for me. First, we have the New Year, so my first self-assessment and what I’ve accomplished in the last 12 months in my career, finances, mostly 3D stuff, but also how I changed, then I set plans.

It is my bday at the end of January and my second self-audit of my dreams and relationship. And this one always hurts. I want to have a family since I was 22. Every year, I felt I was even more away from that. I don’t know anyone else who worked so hard than me to replace wrong beliefs, clear everything, and improve every aspect of my being…and here is my missing piece.
I’ve decided to loop audio every night until the end of this month. I am on day 3, and trust me, now I know why everything was out of my reach.
I was perfectly aware of my assets and strengths. If you would ask me, “What do you bring to the table?” the list would be long af. But this field changed my perspective. I use the Connector with the command to actualize my subconscious a few times a day, and with every day, I feel that I deserve to be treated like a queen but without guilt and not by men but by the Universe, too.

I was improving myself because I thought I was not good enough and I should be better, heal my wounds, not bring any baggage to the relationship, and not be a burden. Hyper-indepence + peoples pleasing that I’ve been trying to sort out for ages. I have so much to offer; why does no one want that?
I have expectations. I deserve someone who will take care of me, and I know I will take care of him in a million ways, but first, I want to see him doing this first. I put myself first, and there is still a bit of resistance ‘Is it not so selfish?’ but this field corrects a lot instantly: “It would be selfish if you wouldn’t want to take care of them at all and just take and take. What you want is to reciprocate someone’s effort.”

Career and work:
I corrected every small mistake. I spent 2 hours redoing the whole video because I made one mistake. It also led to paralysis and the inability to post anything because of overanalysing. I didn’t know what price I should put. Impostor Syndrom to the point where I questioned my whole existence.
I purposely posted something, knowing there was a small mistake in the captions. I even set the intention ‘Perfectionism, die now’. I was up for the half of the night, flooded with ideas. The audio was playing in the background. The first time in my life, I felt “This idea is brilliant. It doesn’t matter if no one has done it before. I don’t follow trends, I create them.”
I felt something click in my mind last night. When you strongly believe in your idea, people will buy it, will use it, and will follow you because you believe in it. This energy is magnetic.

To summarize:
People will treat you exactly the way you think they will. If you think ‘why no one wants what I have to offer’, no one would want it. It can be a product, or it can be committed to you. So the key is to flip your mindset to: everyone wants me or what I created. It was impossible for me to want to be at the centre of someone’s attention and, guess what - ghosted, ignored, rejected. I didn’t feel I deserved that.

This field is now my main focus. Guys who try to win the jackpot: do you deserve that? Do you feel worthy to wake up rich tommorow? Do you want to be in the centre of the financial attention?


I bought DM Self Worth through Gumroad and there was only Mandala without audio. How can I get audio? Sometimes, I also prefer to use audio instead of mandala

I use YT fields all the time, mainly because the more views and likes Maitreya gets, the more people the MF channel can reach, and this is my personal ‘thank you’ for her energy work. With this booster DM: Distance Fields and Booster
and DM Chosen because my dog is super sensitive.


How do you decide whether it will be just a mandala or a mandala with audio?

For example, in the latest chakras’ version, having audio is very convenient. The same goes for the portals.

I started adding audio files because some people still want them, and we found a way to have our own audios—ours—meaning that from now on we won’t have any more copyright issues as before, even though we paid for the licenses. This gives us greater freedom moving forward. This was one of the reasons we removed the audios, but the other reason is that, in my opinion, digital mandalas work much better. According to the surveys we’ve conducted, about 90% of people don’t have time to sit and listen to audios for hours and prefer to carry a set of mandalas in their pocket. For the remaining 10% who still prefer audios, I will make sure to include them in the new products. :slight_smile:


Will there ever be the possibility of downloading your youtube audios again? I know you stopped the patreon because off staff shortage but it would be cool to get to download them again.

Mandalas are great but we can‘t buy all of them :joy: i would gladly pay to download the ones I don‘t have as a Mandala

We could then use them with the Mandala Manager plus Field emitter

They are be available in YouTube

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I‘m sorry but I don‘t understand what you mean :sweat_smile:

No. This part of our journey has ended.


I’ve noticed that many audio fields work better than mandalas that are constantly active through a field emitter, mandala manager, or time-breaker. For example, when fields are always on via these mandalas, I don’t feel as much impact. But when I play an audio field here and now, the effect is powerful and immediate.

I first observed this with the “Ultimate God Body” field, which I bought (in November 2011) when it was just an audio file without a mandala. This observation has been consistent for a rather long period of time.

Because of this, I prefer to “work through” a topic using audio, which I can play anytime on my phone or while working on my computer. Carrying printed mandalas around isn’t very convenient for me. Audio, on the other hand, is fast and easy to use.

I often play playlists overnight and sometimes use fields near my wife when possible (fields not for males only) Mandalas are great as wallpapers for phones or laptops, especially when combining several into one design. However, I would prefer having audio included with any mandala.

Consider this feedback as customer input from a loyal user. If it’s true that 90% of buyers prefer mandalas, then my opinion (and that of the remaining 10%) might not matter. But I think if you asked users directly and let them vote, the results might show a different balance.

But do as you think is right. I will still be grateful for any of your products, no matter what format they are in


I’m planning to include DM + audio in the new products so people can have a choice and use whatever they want. Having options is always a good thing for everyone. :slight_smile: Fortunately, we now have the resources to make the music our own and avoid any issues.