DM: Huna

HUNA is the ancestral knowledge of the Hawaiian tradition. It is a form of shamanism based on the knowledge of the functioning of the mind and the energetic reality of the world.
In short, the “adventurer’s way” for those who want to transform and transform their environment.

This is based on the 7 concepts of the huna to produce a synergistic and very well structured work in the order in which the individual needs:

Ike: The world is what you think it is
This principle is based on the beliefs that each one has; We could say that the phrase “As it is inside is outside”, describes it perfectly. According to our perception of the world around us, we can feel better or worse, something that will undoubtedly also reflect our internal state.

Kala: There are no limits
Once again the limits we establish are in accordance with our beliefs from education, society, family, etc .; These are an illusion since if we modify them our whole world changes.

Flow Makia: Energy where attention goes
We know that focusing on something is attracting more of the same, that is why it is so important that we monitor everything we think; In this creative stage in which we are currently, it is necessary that each intention that we have is as conscious as possible because it will be accompanied by an energy that will not take long to manifest it.

Mana Wa: Now is the time to power
If we could live in total presence we would be truly free, because the power is in the now and with it there is no possible suffering.

Aloha: To love is to be ‘happy with’
This principle comes to say that we must love without expectations, that is true unconditional love; loving without expecting anything, in return is a way of preserving inner power.

Mana: All power comes from within
There is nothing external that can empower us; if so, you can be sure that it will be something ephemeral, fleeting, and of course of the mind. Totally illusory, true power can never be taken away because it lies within us.

Pono Effectiveness: It is the measure of truth
This means that it does not matter what another being serves or works for; what we really need to recognize is whether what we do “is effective for us.” If so, it is the right path, otherwise, it is time to change.

This field will make all these changes inside your energy system and subconscious.


I got this. It looks amazing!! Thanks, Maitreya!


Wow! Never looked at Huna before but those concepts really resonate with me. I seem to respond better to audios but i might get this.Thanks for all you do .