The Conceptual Manifestation Box is a digital mandala/picture created to assist your manifestations through conceptual ideas, images, texts, songs, and everything else you place within it. This digital mandala will capture your feelings towards the thing you wish to attract, as well as your ideas and thoughts about the benefits this manifestation will bring. Once you place something in it - be it text, pictures, songs, or other items - it will start attracting them into your reality.
Usage recommendation: Fill the box or folder you are using with as much information as possible. Don’t limit yourself to only your biggest goals and dreams; include anything that comes to mind, no matter how small. This will stir up the energy to move things along faster and constantly bring you what you’ve put into it.
Usage Instructions:
Print the Conceptual Manifestation Box mandala and place it in a special box or create a dedicated folder for it. This becomes the heart of your manifestation practice.
Fill your box or folder with representations of your desires, such as images, texts, or symbolic items. The mandala within this space will capture the essence of your aspirations, engaging with the universal energy to draw these elements into your reality.
Regular Interaction is key. By engaging with your Conceptual Manifestation Box, you infuse it with your personal energy and intentions, amplifying its ability to manifest your desires.
For Your Eyes Only: Remember, the power of the Conceptual Manifestation Box is tuned to the individual using it. This means you cannot manifest for others, only for yourself.
By realigning your thoughts and energies with your deepest desires, the Conceptual Manifestation Box offers you the potential to transform your life, attracting health, wealth, relationships, and anything else you wish to manifest. It encourages you to embrace the interconnectedness of all things through this universal energy tool, witnessing the unfolding of your dreams into reality.
No, the digital mandala is designed to work even if the person does not have any other fields. The moment it is placed in any random box or folder, it activates and begins to work.
Is there an estimated time on how long it takes for our desires to manifest using this mandala? Would using a Booster mandala and/or Resistance Dissolver help speed up the manifestations? Thanks for making this new mandala!
Usage recommendation: Fill the box or folder you are using with as much information as possible. Don’t limit yourself to only your biggest goals and dreams; include anything that comes to mind, no matter how small. This will stir up the energy to move things along faster and constantly bring you what you’ve put into it.
May I ask a question?
May I put things belonging to different subjects in one box the same time?
For example, if I want to attract my own apartment, good job and trusted partner in my life - may I put all of them together in one box?
Is it safe? I mean that fulfillment of my dreams will be harmless for me and other people and will not have negative side effects.
I already have Reality Note, Atomic Tap, Reality Shifter & Maya Ruler…getting Mind Master,umm,is the question?
Would it be better to get Mind Master or Conceptual Manifesation Box? I feel like having BOTH would be overkill,over doing it, since I already have, Reality Note,Reality Shifter,Maya Ruler and Atomic Tap.
feedback would be greatly appreciated. thank you !!
Both fields are very nice for the purpose of manifesting. Maybe it depends on what you need more and what resonates with you. Feel which one will be nicer for you.
For this one it says that regular interaction is key. Does this means to meditate with the mandala or do we need to do something specific like visualization of the specific desires represented inside the box/folder?
No, it’s not necessary to meditate with the mandala. Rather, by this I mean it should be used frequently. For example, today I decide that I want someone to gift me an amethyst crystal. I could write it on a piece of paper or print out a picture of it and place it in the box. This way, in one week, I can add 20 things to the box that I want to attract, or even more.
The purpose of this is:
The subconscious starts working much faster when it has many things to accomplish.
It reduces the “pressure” from manifestations and fades away the beliefs that prevent manifestations from happening.
The energy whirls and one enters a state of Creation, rather than a survival mode.
There are many other benefits and explanations for why this technique works so effectively, but with this post, I wanted to explain what regular use means.
Thanks for the detailed response! Would you say there’s any difference in the efficiency of the field if we use a physical box vs using it digitally inside a folder?
Same power of the field. However, for some people, writing on paper might be more beneficial. I’m fully digital; my sister prefers physical. So your unique approach can be important, too. Which one gives you more fun
It’s up to the individual. I prefer old school methods because they provide me with greater depth, but that’s down to a person’s inner feeling and lifestyle. There are people who like everything to be digital.
There’s no difference in how you do it, as long as it’s more comfortable and enjoyable for you.