DIGITAL MANDALA: Subconsciousness Beliefs Clearing

This mandala will work instantly, but visible results will be seen in a week maximum. (first ones) And yes, if there is plastic on the print, it will work also.


I knew a person who had very developed psychic abilities. he taught me a lot of things about the ego, for that I thank him.

But when I listened to him talk to some people he was contemptuous, taunting and critical. One day I told him that I wanted to have a pendulum to help me have answers to certain questions that I asked myself. He answered me “you scatter!”.
Someone with wisdom would have said this to me for example “very well! if that can help you to move forward, follow your intuition!”

Right after this exchange with him I decided to cut off contact with him. he was in the path of the spiritual ego.


So many people use the word ego now a days.

Primal ego, human ego, now its spiritual ego.

What if I told you source is also an ego…?

The thing you call “the all”.

Consciousness itself is an ego.

True ego death would mean dissolving into the void.

A state of absolute nothingness, yet, you exist.

You are nothing, yet you still are. Waiting, to become.

Waiting, to identify.

“I am the universe” is still identifying, isn’t it?

So for me, ego means identifying.

Whether you identify as a human or a 34th dimensional three headed pink unicorn of love, it doesn’t change the fact that you identify.

But considering this is a subconscious limits thread, lets ditch all the bullshit and get to the point.

Enlightenment means realizing you’re in a game.

Then you either crash mentally or start having fun.

I think its funny how so called gurus have done a wonderful job of claiming authority trough realization.

Did you know that many of these love and light teachers were secretly doing some…Not so love and light things?

Love, light, hate, darkness, its all really the same thing.

Mere tools to be utilized by the earth characters or wherever you play the game.

So if we go down this line of thought, everything is possible right?

It would explain why the enlightened yogis acted all crazy and evil to scare of the villagers from interrupting/annoying them.

Anyway, since this is subconscious limits removal thread, heres some more food for thought :

Apparently there are beings, who exist at a certain level, that applaud our higher aspects for being able to create a world with such detail.

They find it impressive that when “we” leave the house, things stay the way they are, instead of dematerializing.


@Nexus You are familiar with manifestation, you ever thought about the concept that its impressive that things dont dematerialize?


Honestly you just opened up a new can of conceptual thought! I Marvel at our ability to create I have never even considered the aspect of how things do not damaterialize.

Very interesting indeed. I’ll come back to this one.


Interesting how did you come across the Pleiadians when there are so many different races out there?

I withdraw my statement that it is not helpful to me. After you mentioned that it would be helpful to others if I carried it around with me, I bought it. And after I had it open and asked my pendulum again it was helpful for me. So a pendulum can sometimes be wrong.

Now since you mentioned somewhere that you stuck the Higher Self Mandala under your watch, I’ve done the same. However, I can not say that I have noticed much so far.

Unfortunately, I see that just as much as you do.


Most ETs besides Arcturians in this galaxy are full of ego. Pleiadians have the biggest ego of all lol

Dreamweaver’s mandala grow over time.

So its better to print like 10 at the same time and keep em hidding away somewhere. (cut each one, instead of leaving 8 on 1 paper etc).

After a while you’ll definitely feel it lol

Gets uncomfortable at times since it strenghtens and soldifies the connection


Hello sir, can u please share how to connect and feel with the ETs. Im so curious about this.

Get “the art of communication”,

Sapiens superhuman genius
Spam “art of communication” until headache

Repeat until you “get it”,

Then sapiens alien fields or try to conceptually “scan” or “search” or “tap into”


Are they peaceful?

Also, Arcturus and Sirius (be a little careful here) are the only ones worth exploring in this galaxy imho.

Andromeda is dope, have yet to explore other galaxies


Depends who you are and who the ET is

Edit : The bad ETs can become peaceful if you know how to deal with em or get higher self connection, then everything kneels lol

are humans peaceful?

@anon71001964 read edit


Yes and no :grinning:

Thanks man but i have a question
How did you visit these galaxies, how did you look?

From my current earth vessel (lol) I have only been to Andromeda thanks to Dreamweavers field.

Doing some internal work now so galaxies gonna have to wait.

Otherwise its mostly a soul thing, an inner “knowing”.

Sometimes I say things that scare me lol, then higher self explains why etc


But if youre gonna deal with ETs, advice for everyone here :

Higher self connection and “The art of communication” is an absolute MUST!

Theres literally billions of beings that can and will pose as “ETs” and waste your time.

Not to mention self created thoughtforms etc


Can we add divine protection from maitreya ?


and sir, can SLR remove overthingking? i always fear society and people thinks when i was a kid until now. It block me a lot from life. I try Let go of fear, overthingking and it help a bit, but not so permanent, because some time i still care about what other people think.

SLR will help yeah, but removing limits wont really give courage or dominance. Thats more of a habit/trait built up over time or installed trough fields

I did request a fearlessness mandala because I know a lot of people need it , but I dont think she’ll make it just yet.

So get Sapiens knight field.

You’ll stop giving a fuck about anyone + you’ll want to bash their skulls in incase anyone disrespects you.


Sometimes this is a sign of submissiveness.

As in “seeking permission” from people.

Or lack of self love, needing validation etc

Definitely get the knight field.

Fuck anyone claiming to be authority.

Anarrchyyyy! :smiley: