DELETE COMMAND in 'Permanent Results Integrator' Cleanses Everything You Need Out Of Your Subconscious Mind

This one works on your subconscious level and that level it the most important. I am releasing so many bagage. God bless


Avoid f. w., Q. I., subliminal programs.

Stick with fields, they are safer.

6 days into cleansing…


Man, that’s crazy, but it doesn’t surprise me anymore though.

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I am just gonna give tips here:

If you feel something is off with you. Than do the cleanse.

If you feel that you have neck problem (pain, tension), bad posture, problem talking, face problem and tension, and you have listened to QI Male/Female Golden Ration - do the cleanse!

I am deleting all from that channel.

About f. w. He is very bad. But i mean scarry bad. The only reason I ever listened him was because I was in a bad place and didn’t know anything about it. My advice cleanse everything.

Once you do the deletion of other formulas you will have better connection with you subconscious, better health, many more insights, better memory, communication, everything.


This warning will stay here only for a while before I delete it.

I don’t want to be a whistleblower. I don’t know what kind of powers creators of this channels have.

Need to be on safe side.


When do you say FW refers to a magic wizard?

The way I do it:

Lay down, put headphones, say “delete” than “name of audio and name of channel”. I also say delete once more on end of that sentance to be sure in my intention. In couple of seconds your subconscious mind will start to extract his audio. Be patient, do it as many times until you fell you have deleted everything and you don’t feel anything from formula left. I also use speaker to cleanse energy in my room space once you start to extract that dense energy from system so it doesn’t say in room or gets stuck on you again. I loop “Cleanse spells and curses” from Maitreya. Works like a charm

I do the each audio separetly. That’s only way to be sure you did it full and right.

I tried the command on all chanel, but the cleans is just weaker and doesn’t do the job. This field was created for one field at time.

If you have listened to some formula longer, than the deletion will take longer.

On some formulas I spend couple hours to delete because I looped them. But it’s worth it.


The IQ audios I used were mainly root cause formula, game changer and superior booster.

Since the deletion is easy I am doing deletion of all of them and 3 channels right now. Haven’t got to that one. I am trowing Quadible as channel out for good

Grounding Mandala makes proces 2x faster

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This even works with mandalas.
I tested it with the mind control mandala.


Yes it works. Grounding mandala makes it easier to delete/ground negative energy, gives you more strenght. Mind Control mandala makes it easier to connect to subconscious mind. It even expands your abilities in communicating directly with your subconscious mind. You can give commands any type and sub mind reacts

With these two you can even multitask and do the extraction of other formulas since it becomes much easier


Were you using frequency wizard or subliminal warlock in the past 3 months? Because the description says it can’t be deleted if it isn’t as recent as 3 months ago

I know that it says in description 3 months. That’s probably like safe timeframe for most people. For me it has worked for all formulas, 4 years in past. Yesterday I deleted 30 spells and I listened f. w. 4 years ago. Subconscious mind doesn’t know time. Other have been also successful in this opinion, so will you.


Lol, I can already here a recall commercial that says “ATTENTION: have you or a loved one listened to the following creators?” With this music playing:

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Once you delete all spells you will feel like a newborn man

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I second this BTW. I listened to Ascension Archangel a few years ago, but I forget which specific audios. But I want all of his shit out of me ASAP. He is nothing but bad news if you know enough about him

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What about him? I also listened some of his audios. I did some entity removal from him but felt nothing but bad vibes.
Good that you mention him. :+1: I will have to do youtube history search on him and delete him!


You should read my “discussion for other similar channels” theead on the sapien forum. Scroll up to the very beginning. Or, read my dossier linked on my profile. I have a section on ascension archangel, as well as other creators

Will do :muscle: Thank you

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