Bruce Lee's Knowledge (Patreon Exclusive)

Remember ,bruce lee jet kune do Not only has wing chun implemented it alsow ,has boxing and tae kwon do , and Mike Tyson his move and punch are from Karate


Do you have to listen for 20 consecutive days to get permanent effects? Or is what you have so far permanent no matter what? For example, If I stopped now, and picked back up listening next year, would I lose any of the gained effects in that time?

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You have to be consistent.
Maybe if you skip one or even two or three, itā€™s too be ok but one year-gap is too much.


This is the best thing men I started to feeling more lighter alsow i manifesting alot of wutang collection movies ,jackie chan ,bruce lee ,jet lee ,mix martial art ,boxing ,ufc etc in yoube lol


I donā€™t know if this is permanent Iā€™m not even stoping ,yet ,but this help me alot installing and understand the term "be water " you just have to relax ,when I punch with mind I punch not has fast but when I just let it go and just throw puch they seems fast in the mirror and alsow my elbow hurt ah little


Hey did you download some new movements in martial arts ?


And is it good idea guys to put Bruce Lee field in storage item ?

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Itā€™s fine to put it in a field storage

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Could this one, be made into a Mandala?

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Available here:


This Audio is favorite, would love have it in a mandala.
Is there a chance for more knowledge fields @Maitreya

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Hi, how to get this one because is not available on Patreon anymore? Tnx :sparkles:

We currently donā€™t sell Patreonā€™s Exclusive fields. If this changes in the future, we will notify you here.