
Hey guy’s im searching for a practice that i can do in addition to meditation. Yoga, Qi gong and so on, i don’t be pulled into that. Breathwork came across.

And i wanted to know if some of you doing that, wich ways, sorts of you can recommend? What were your benefits?

Thank you

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I have been doing mostly Qigong for about ten years. The main benefits are increased energy levels, overall health and peace of mind.
Yoga is great too but the actual spiritual practice, not the aerobic exercise/strip mall version. Kundalini is extremely strong energy work but must be accompanied with lots of grounding.
Also, Tantra is amazing. I only know and practice a little bit, but what I do know helps a ton with the whole energetic system.

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Thnks for sharing your experiences! I tried Yoga and lu Yong, but wasn’t able to keep the practice for long. Eventually i look into Tantra, that draws most my attention from them in this moment. Did you done breathwork? I read that it’s generally a part from yoga.

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Air is one of the easiest sources to get Qi/prana from. Breath also purifies us and clears negative emotions and excessive energy. It helps us reach parasympathetic and meditative states. It can also stimulate our energy system. Breathwork is an essential part of all spiritual practices.

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Without going into much technicalities, only focusing on breath helps me a lot-by focusing on breath I mean just following in and out of breath and the in-between and suspending everything else. I generally find a lot of information, including blocks and stuck emotions through this. Also, it dramatically twists my space-time perception. there are different kinds of breathwork and cycles of it and what you opt for would be guided by what you wish to achieve.


Thank you both! I tried yesterday 3 techniques. Soma breathing, dimensional breathwork and guided belly pranayama from sapien. I don’t know exactly what my goal was, i think happiness in general, knowing my purpose(clarity) and deep meditative experiences. The one from sapien i found most amazing, till now. In day to day life i find the breath is truly a help too. It stops the blind reaction to outside influences, that helps a lot


Yes!!! Isn’t it amazing that just by breathing deeper we can stretch time.


I used this a lot in the past, helped me in the past with OCD among other things.
The good thing it can help even to improve your breathing patterns.
I have forgotten, I will try to resume this again.