Hey all, is there a particular field you would recommend for Auto immune conditions? I have the book of health, anything else you would suggest adding?
DM: Body Cleanse with Golden Light and The Ojas Field: Personal Vitality Enhancer
This salve Arnica Rubbing Salve-The Medicine Man has all different programs that release trauma from the body and also have Golden Light included.
Autoimmune diseases are strongly linked to traumas and unprocessed emotions.
Thank you.
Hi, I have Multiple Sclerosis and I use the fields for the nervous system, stress, and the grounding one.
Then as mentioned it is good to focus on trauma. Personally I find balancing the chakras important as well.
Many physical diseases are manifestations of energetic imbalances or stored traumas and emotions. Even medicine started to join forces with psychology, and now they do studies on cancer and what was going on emotionally before the person got ill.
When you align energies, your physical body will respond to that