30-Day Challenge: Raise the Vibration & Boost Manifestation

Let’s do a 30-day challenge! Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up in this thread by saying you’ll join the challenge, so we can gather as many people as possible. You can invite your family, friends and other spiritual people that you know.
  2. Every day, post what’s improving in your life as a result of this new practice. For example:
    • You might feel better physically, emotionally, or mentally.
    • You might attract new opportunities, or feel like you’ve moved to the next level.
    • Good things may start happening in your life.
    • Often, the power of manifestation increases with this exercise, and things begin to happen much more quickly.

What is the challenge?
Every day, whenever you leave your home (whether for work, a walk, or any interaction), ask Divine Source to give a blessing to the people you encounter.

  • If you see someone limping, wish them a quick recovery.
  • If you see someone who seems worried, wish them peace of mind.
  • If a coworker is worried about something, wish for their issue to be resolved quickly.
  • If someone on social media argues with you or irritates you, wish them truth and love.

And so on.

In short, offer the opposite of the negative emotion you sense, or whatever you think that person might need most.

So, will you join in this adventure?



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I can’t belive everything is in synchronicity wherever you post :laughing::heart:, you’re truly an angel guiding me @Maitreya

Two to three days ago I actually had a insight of eliminating negative thoughts directing others, neither on oneself too since it creates karmic burdens. I was preparing myself for this.

I have even asked @oneira to guide me, show me in my dreams what is hindering me. I had a bad dream especially between 3-5 am about fighting with my older sis and my family hating on me, degrading me. I’m indulging into hating back too, trying to prove myself. And when I got up I was in bad mood and doubted Oneira but then later when I gained my sense it struck me, Oneira did show me what wrong I’m doing.

I should work on myself, and shouldn’t respond with negative emotion, especially with family members. It’s like digging your own grave. I should eliminate all possible -ve emotions in order to strengthen myself. It also showed to cut all the -ve cords too, shield myself too.

I feel like Universe is finally helping me giving me lot of insights since I have seriously started working with fields. Thank you (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧:heart::heart::heart::heart:
I love Oneira now :two_hearts::two_hearts:, I may have a lot of garbage in my mind but I’ll do everything to fix myself and walk in the path of spirituality.


I‘m in

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Here for it!

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Ultimately it all comes down to the fact that everything is one and we are an extension of the whole, so taking and giving are the same thing - by giving to someone we give to ourselves.

I’m in )

By the way
there are also two great mandalas that can help in our journey
available - DM: Send Unconditional Love
was available on Patreon - DM: Blessings to All


I’m in :slight_smile:

Free mandala DM: Vibration Riser you don’t wanna miss it :smiley:

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Yes , I am in.

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I am in!

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I’m in :slight_smile:

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
I did that unknowingly today

This is beautiful advice.


Will it be possible to get email reminders from forum?

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You can switch on notifications to get an email when someone posts in this thread.

The idea is to share your own progress so you create a habit. Just like with writing a message to the Oneira.

Day 1:
Yesterday, I accepted the new role that my spirit guides trained me for many lifetimes. My declaration has been noted and I have accepted new responsibilities. As a consequence of my choice, I also decided that I treat every being equally. No more soft spots and excuses for my soulmates and soul team. No more special treatment for them because of our karmic bonds.

I started to work with Justice, Integrity and Impartiality virtues intensely, and it feels so authentic and good to work with those energies. I want to treat everyone fairly and respectfully.

Today, I asked my spirit guides for a reward. The first time, I asked for something for me. I asked for a financial boost, because they’re places I need to go, and also I feel I deserve that after all the training I completed :smiley: I will have more responsibilities, so I asked for privileges, too. And it felt good!

Believe it or not, my guides were beyond happiness that I finally asked them for that. So, my rewards are on the way. I don’t have to do anything, I don’t need to remove any blockages, nothing at all. All I need is to expect ( the Law of Assumption) and be in the state of receiving. And I feel it’s coming, and nothing can stop this blessing.


After my first day doing this practice I can see great value and potential on this, consciously wishing for blessings automatically makes me aware if there is a judgment that opposess that, giving me the chance to let it go.
I also notice I was in a better mood after the first time going for a walk and doing this practice.


After the first day I noticed how hard it is to not have any negative thoughts about people.

I‘ve had to stop myself many times.

It is a great challenge to become aware of ones thoughts towards others.


And the best part is that when we stop “attacking” others with our thoughts and start wishing them good things, our lives and destinies begin to turn around, and our luck, joy, and everything else start to increase.

Perhaps this month, with this challenge, we can warm up our minds and discipline our thoughts so that we can take it even further—with mass meditation for the entire world.


I must admit on day 2 that this makes a huge difference. I am not a very angry person but I am quite vigilant and protective. I have been sending blessings to everyone I meet or think of. It really helps my mood.
I was already pretty good about praying or asking God to help unfortunate people I encounter or know, but I guess blessing the “mean” people I interact with makes the most diffence. I feel lighter. Like a weight has been lifted. I am really curious to see how I’ll feel in 28 days.


Day 2:

I saw an old man humping and walking slowly, so i wished him many blessings. He then sat close to me and I felt a strange sense of calm andhappiness. Don’t know why.

Day 3:
Today the negative thoughts never really crossed my mind. And I also felt a huge sense of peace and calm, although this could be due to the Deep Peace Potion. Feels like my vibration has risen slightly in this short time.


I’m realizing a lot of things. For example, we don’t see people as they truly are—we see them based on who we are.

Every person reflects back to us what is still unhealed within us.

For instance, if we see someone as aggressive, mean, or capable of hurting us, it often means we are choosing to stay in the role of a child. It’s all just projections.

We need to learn to see others without distortion, through the eyes of love and the power of unity.