Strange, maybe your subconscious recognised it as being a better a more familiar field for you
shameless BUMP
Attention very long comment…
(Sorry for my English …)
the youtube versions certainly have different programming than the patreon versions.I’m not sure, but for YouTube videos, surely the energy has to be attached to images (so video), audio (so sound), online format (youtube file extension), and / or to the internet address of the video (link of the youtube video).it is not necessarily on these parameters mentioned above, but the idea is that the energy can be fixed on several parameters,the aim being to ensure, a better user experience, because when the files are uploaded to youtube, they are converted to another file format (which may or may not alter the energy or its programming, depending on how it was originally designed).
Now the patreon versions are only MP3 audio that we download, so the energy is contained only in the audio (and possibly in the MP3 file format) …In the past they would also fix energy in the audio file name, but since users often needed to rename downloaded audio files, They no longer put energy programming on the names of MP3 audio files.
And so the patreon versions have only one (or even two) level energy programming, and the youtube versions have multi-level (3/4 / …) programming. Note that when I say LEVEL, I am not talking about an elevated position relative to each other,I’m talking about different localization on the same plane.This means that basically the power level is the same between the youtube version and the patreon version, because by saying level it is not about higher. All this can possibly cause a slight difference between the youtube and patreon versions, but a priori it must be a tiny and negligible difference (which does not change much).
YouTube VS Gumroad (website) …
Obviously it seems that our impressions are a mental interpretation,an interpretation of our ego (without negative judgment). In fact, exactly the same thing happens in our daily interactions with each other in everyday life.Any information we receive is subject to mental interpretation (based on our beliefs and / or our ego), but we often don’t realize it.
One thing that demonstrates this is the Arab phone experience (available on youtube).
Now there is also a lot of traffic on youtube with several hundred comments. Does all this energy of Internet users put on YouTube videos, make us feel it a little stronger … ?!
I know that once with the sapiens YouTube videos, it was a question of boosting the online videos with the sapien fields booster,And it was said that if one person could boost the youtube video, then it will be boosted for all youtube users, and imagined if several people,have boosted the same youtube video …
Pour finir je dirais simplement que le ressenti nous permet de savoir à quelle point il y’a une résistance entre l’energie extérieur et le système énergétique, et donc avec une nergie plus puissante (more subtle / more refined / more intelligent), we will tend to feel less resistance between the external energy and the energy system.
But don’t worry, keep using the gumroad (website) versions because they are indeed (and objectively) much more powerful and efficient.
PS: it’s just my understanding of things 🤷, others can clarify or provide their opinions.
in the end everything is based on the beliefs of each person, if a person has the belief that the youtube version is stronger than patreon or gumroad, then that is what will manifest in their reality, each person is different and has different beliefs, so if for some people the youtube versions work better my advice is to keep listening to them, everyone should listen to the version that suits them best.
Perhaps someday, Fields Creator will use lossless audio format like FLAC, so there’s no lossy-lossy thingy in audio data which perhaps hinder the result or effectiveness.
Even some subliminal makers use .wav format although subliminal is just words.
Just my opinion.
Read this
Was going to mention something that @Takyon basically already said - the YouTube versions, only only have the energy encoded in more than one way, (image/video plus audio, URL, and/or file name) but they also receive probably a lot more traffic/views and are being used by more people. That in itself seems to basically give anything more “power” because more people are putting their own belief/trust in it. However, as more people use the Patreon/Gumroad versions, I think those will grow in power as well. There’s a book I recently read called the Placebo Codes, which talks about this - how anything can be given power and work for lots of people, as more people use it. I think this may be what we are seeing.
I have read that long ago. It’s just his opinion and he isn’t field creator.
It’s not an opinion, it’s the reason for all the confusion around downloads. If you download something from WAV in YouTube, it is no different to downloading in MP3
I know that, but I am 99% sure that the audio Maitreya makes will be put into an MP3 audio first, then it would be put into a video. So Patreon and YouTube would be virtually the same
The reason why the fields on YouTube are felt more strongly than those in gumroad and website is due to the different frequency. The farther your frequency is from the field, the harder is to feel it. In other words this means the results should get faster and integrate into the energy system permanently more fast.
Boosted versions work with higher vibrations, more on the etheric body, so the person who uses them needs to have big sensitivity to feel them. They are something like attunement.
@Maitreya for those of us who are not energy sensitive, though we don’t feel much from Gumroad version, they will still give faster results than the Youtube versions, right?
Yeah, they give faster results and integrate more smoothly into your energy system.
Thank you @Maitreya
So this is like when you sing…
The moment you learn to resonate the note properly and sing along the song with proper notes, you feel that note resonating back in your vocal folds.
So does that mean that the stronger I feel it, the more likely is it that my energy is ‘resonating back’ with the energy from the audio/mandala? Ofc, we don’t know the ‘strength of feel for the completely integrated energy’ for any of those energies, so that’s more of an abstract and mute point, but is the general idea close to what’s happening?
May I know how the boosted fields relative to physical improvements work? I think they need to be worked on physical body rather than ethereal body isn’t? Just curious.
By the way I can clearly see the difference. Just beginner to Maitreya fields. Listened to a physical improvement field on Youtube. Saw the boosted version while reading the description. Bought it and I can see huge difference. Maybe I am little bit of energy sensitive.
Listened to Grow taller.
The etheric body is the instruction set for how the physical body structures itself. When you change the etheric template, the changes will flow down to the body.
Flow down easily it seems. Makes sense. Thank you for sharing.
@NotFrank Listening to the paid version on second day, I can really feel it a lot of pressure on my legs. Strong one than other grow tall fields. Had to mention that I had used Sapien’s v1 and v2 audio fields for around 19 months and had a noticeable 2 cm height increase not more than that. I am 30. It worked on my ethereal body too.
But the youtube field of Maitreya just had slight pressure I can feel it. But the paid version is too strong I can really feel a strong pressure.
Does this mean I am sensitive to energy from ethereal frequency?
Yes, if you can feel the difference between the free & paid versions, then that definitely qualifies as energy sensitive. But, the way you asked and how you said the field was “too strong”…do you think it’s a bad thing that you’re sensitive to the energy work?