We are closing the Patreon page in 30 days!

Hey everyone!

Due to a reduction in our team and the challenges of managing multiple platforms at once, we’ve decided to step back from Patreon and will no longer be maintaining our page there.

We are giving a 30-day window during which our subscribers can download any files they need but haven’t yet accessed.

For subscribers who have paid for several months or a year in advance, we will refund the amount for the remaining period of your subscription, or offer you a choice of digital mandalas from our store.

Please contact us at support@maitreyafields.com

Thank you for your understanding!


Ohh this is sad, but understandable! Much love and thank you and the community for being a part in my life❤️


So where will these fields be released in the future?

On YouTube :slight_smile:

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Can we assist somehow?
I am willing to help.


Me too. l’m open to assisting if needed


Yes, please count on us :slight_smile:

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All the best! Must have been a difficult call. Would the forum here remain functional?

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Yes, the forum will remain, as will everything else. We just found Patreon burdensome and will be dropping it.

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Will we still be able to get Youtube fields in mp3 format in another way?

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No. They will be available only on YouTube.


@Maitreya can we download them from YouTube and still get the same effects by using one of your boosters so we can use the fields with the emitter

@Maitreya or would it just be best to copy the URLs from YouTube into the emitter?

They can be listened to on YouTube. I don’t think it will work with a URL address.

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@anon90303329 you can use Fields Storage Creator and copy the youtube audio on to a coin or something

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Is there anyway I can download them and put them in The emitter oncePatreon is gone with the new fields that will be released

Oh, yes - that’s a great idea. I didn’t think of that option.


When people have downloaded from the channel and then provided feedback that it doesn’t work well, I recommend listening on YouTube to save time and ensure it works properly.

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@Maitreya I get what you are saying but my whole way of working with your fields was just downloading them from Patreon, putting them in the emitter and manager and using the higher self optimizer to work with them so I’m just trying to find some sort of other way to work with future fields that come out

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Anyways, I’m sorry this is happening. I know I’m complaining a lot. I will work with what’s going on going forward and do the best that I can.