Upload to Patreon/Gumroad/MaitreyaStore

Dating Apps would be great on Gumroad.

So far, I’ve had two women make a move on me by texting first, which rarely happens online. They both seem instantly eager to meet up as well.


Hi! Dear Maitreya, can You add this fields in the gumroad, please? :pray::pray::pray:

  • Female Reproductive System Regeneration
  • Dental Healing – Teeth And Gums
  • Stomach Regeneration
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I didn’t see Learn Dutch on Patreon. I can wait of course :grin:

Hello may you please upload Vitamin B12 and Inner Child healing to gumroad/store? I want to get the strongest version if possible! Thank you!

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the updated soul fragments removal is missing

This one cant be more or less strong.


Limit Breaker mandala is not on gumroad.

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Still waiting for Atomic Tap and Gates of Abundance to go on Patreon!


waits patiently…

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This week.

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Uploaded to Patreon :slight_smile: Sorry for the long waiting.




Can you please restore the ‘Extract Energy from the Quantum Vacuum’ audio on YouTube? It is no longer available…

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Premature Ejaculation on YouTube/Gumroad/Maitreyasite

Hello, when you have time, may you upload inner child and B12 onto your store, hopefully I’m this week if possible? Thank you

happy tim raue GIF by METRO AG

Hello @Maitreya :heart:, can you put adventurous Child on gm please :pray: and thanks and akashic records too :blush:

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I cannot find the Become the Best Version of Yourself field on YouTube. Is this intentional?


Thank you so much Maitreya for all your work!
Please could someone explain the difference between getting the audios from patreon vs, gumtree or Maitreya website? Thank you!

I think it’s a patreon/Gumroad exclusive

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The Patreon link is offline in your YouTube videos