Questions Thread

Check out SIGH gumroad there is a file there for 10 bucks! I had my son buy it as well as a few others that got the jungle juice jab!


Come on man! Vincent Vega! My man in Amsterdam…


I can tell you from what I have heard from the ETs it ain’t gonna be good. You might want to check this out as well

Explains what is really going in with these shots everyone is taking.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will check it out

You know what they call a Quarter
Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
Royale with cheese :joy:

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LOL, have you even researched this guy? He’s not a real doctor, he’s just some random YouTube financial analyst/entrepreneur, never did a medical degree in his life and is posing with some politician for this video. But yeah, feel free to listen these clowns as always

@jamesvanderbeak don’t bother, that video is bogus


You don’t need to be a doctor to talk about health, there are many people who are much more knowledgeable about health than many bad professionals in the area, medicine is like any other area, there are good professionals and bad professionals, be careful who you trust, most doctors are based on hypotheses that are not really conclusive in their treatments, while even Nobel Prize winners, major health magazines, and even several extensive studies say otherwise, but yes, I also find it difficult for this video to be true, no it is possible that this virus does not exist.


Most doctors have no idea how to heal people. They mainly just know how to give out addicting pills that only mask the problem and cut parts off of your body and sow you up. That is not really healing. That is just drugging you up and butchery. A lot of the things they do just make you worse or make you dependent on them. They have no idea how to make the body heal itself. They are over paid jokes who went to overpriced schools where they learned mostly nonsense.

What do you guys feel from this crop circle image?

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sooooo, what about Bill Gates then??

Checking the comments on the vid shows interesting info about this guy btw, working with banks and more lol

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Schools are mainly just brainwashing centers. You are mainly trained to be a good worker/slave for the government and corporations in school is for fools.

Always remember that the material realm is the slave matrix/Hell/Samsara.

You can always transform yourself to manifest Heaven around you.

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totally, schools destroy creativity, only want children to repeat stuff as parrots, the ones who repeat better wins…lol


OK, so who should we approach first to get our health problems sorted? These guys spend 5+ years training to help others. They have to show some level of competency otherwise they won’t graduate. But that’s not the point I am making my friend, I am asking how can one trust a guy who is trying to utilise the title of having a doctorate he doesn’t have to fool others. And plus he is renowned for garbage conspiracy theories, just search up his theories on how 9/11 was a setup for the 2008 election.

Yes, this is true. Doctors will never tell you to go to an osteopath, but that can help massively for an injury.

Plenty of doctors out there are looking for alternative ways to treat people, just look up Dr Chris van Tulleken who wants to stop prescribing medicines to patients.

Read what I said to DarkMatter, the point was less about a person’s knowledge more his desire to sway people to his incorrect opinions by using the title of being doctor, leading to incorrect conclusions of people saying, “Even doctors think the virus is a hoax”. I just think it’s insulting to say this virus is fake when nearly everyone knows someone who has been infected or worse died from it.


Can i copy file audio to usb or upload to google drive? Will it remain or lose effect?

Yeah, I don’t really want to engage in anybody that defends the Slave Matrix/Hell/Samsara. That will usually not end well. Academia is filled with the false teachers mentioned in the Bible.


It will be fine

Can food cleaning audio be used before making food? With food and vegetables still packaged? Is it a bit tiring having to use the audio every time you eat, and how often is it enough?

Yes, the cleaning & clearing effects will last. I always clear out my groceries before I put them away. However, any “charging” effects will be temporary.


Are there any stones that can neutralize the effects of the spikes in the schuman resonance?

Mandalas work at zero opacity? That way it would be possible to use the wallpapers we want and hide the mandalas.