Question about patreon audios

Let’s take the “speed learning” field as an example, would I need to keep listening the audio everyday to make the effect better like getting better at reading faster?

Yes, 2-3 times every day for the best results

How about the language ones, do I need to keep listening to them too?

Audios work only for around 12 hours. So when this time passes, you need to repeat this information to integrate. It is up to you if you want this change to happen faster. It’s like working out. You can do it once a week or 5x a week and loose weight faster. But you need to repeat so your body can transform. The same goes for audios. You need to use this field until you have the results you want.

Okay, I just wasn’t sure because I read somewhere that with the language ones they are downloaded into the subconscious mind but didn’t know how many times they should be listened.