Plaque Psoriasis (Patreon Exclusive)

Plaque psoriasis is the most prevalent form of psoriasis, affecting about 80% of those who develop the condition. It typically manifests as patches of raised, red skin covered with silvery-white scales. These plaques often appear on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp, though they can develop anywhere on the body.

Genetic research has pinpointed specific genes responsible for psoriasis. These genes influence the response of an individual’s immune system and can lead to psoriasis or other immune-mediated conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or type 1 diabetes. The likelihood of developing psoriasis or a similar immune-mediated condition, particularly diabetes or Crohn’s disease, is higher if a close blood relative also has psoriasis.

The skin, being the body’s largest organ, plays a crucial role in toxin elimination through perspiration. Therefore, maintaining a healthy liver is essential. Studies suggest that psoriasis requires a “trigger” to activate. Known triggers include stress, skin injuries, strep infections, substance abuse, certain medications, and sunburn. Medications identified as potential triggers include antimalarial drugs, beta-blockers, and lithium.

Often, psoriasis is attributed to a miasm, a concept that refers to a marker in the DNA, a legacy of a disease inherited from ancestors. This pathogen alters and mutates the genetic code, a mutation that can be passed down through generations. For example, syphilis is believed to mutate the DNA, creating a predisposition for psoriasis that is inherited. This alteration impacts the gene regardless of the original disease.

This audio is energetically programmed to target and regenerate these affected genes, severing the links to ancestral ‘gifts’. By sending this information, our field activates self-healing processes, addressing the genetic root of psoriasis and aiding in the restoration of healthier skin.


Since I noticed that this condition has gotten worse on my elbows, in the last days, I will use this audio and report back. Thank you for bringing it back into my awareness.

Thank you. I was looking for a field specifically targeted to Psoriatic Arthritis.

We don’t have it. This field can be used for any condition DM: The Medicine Man