Palo Santo

Palo Santo has many benefits, but as summer knocks on our door the first benefit we want to tell you is that this tree is used to repel mosquitos. It’s also said to deter ants, termites, and flies.

It will energetically clear your home, you and people that are in range of 15-20 meters. Palo Santo is used widely by shamans and other people who have spiritual practice to clear the space from bad spirits and entities.

It gives a nice and fresh mood with a taste of a new beginning.


Looping tonight and seeing what happens to mosquitoes


I was about to come comment on the Mosquito bit making it super valuable to me :slight_smile: please let us know.


Playing 3 times in a day, how long will the effect last?


Around 24 hours


Thank you

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does this applies to the video??

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It contains everything that palo santo will give burned physically. I am not sure this is right for pregnancy.


Boosted version:

This (patreon version) on the field emitter + broadcaster , Greatly reduces Mosquitos and flies ( no effect on ants btw)

although i stop using this for now because of my baby, the moment i stop, we can really see lots of flying insects inside the house compared before (1-2 max flying insect at a time)


Unable to buy boosted version as it’s currently not on sale. Is this intentional?

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If we put this on DMM v2, will it also affect my child?
And is it bad for children?

It is an environmental field, so when you use MMv2, it only works on you because of the energetic cord that you’ve made with MMv2 and your own fields.

Enviromental fields are safe for children because they work on the place, not the person directly.

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