Would it be possible for Oneira to connect to the Money Amplifier (purchased) and keep multiplying on auto pilot?
Would it be possible to deactivate or make it work only during small portions of the day? I have always been pretty energy sensitive and I feel its impact on my brain 24/7. I need a break at the moment I’ve directly asked oneira to deactivate, is it sufficient?
A new message.
Old messages won’t be visible to anyone. We worked on this feature and they can’t be restored physically but they’re still active energetically. We can’t sent a message because no one has access to that to keep everything in privacy for you. You can cancel your first requests or leave them. They’re active even if you can’t see it.
Anything you want to manifest.
You might ask the Oneria for it. We process a lot in our dreams so Oneira can help you to overcome blocks during sleep and that can help with integration.
Use Infinitely Repeater for that. Oneira works differently. Consider this a virtual assistant. So you give tasks and work with your assistant.
It is fine. You have only one Oneira.
No. And I really recommend conscious use of this field. It brings your awareness to the energy, and your intention is powerful. Humans really forget how powerful intention and focus is for the energy work. That’s why when you meditate with the field you can make progress faster than standalone
You can ask Oneira to reduce the intensity of the field:
“Your full power is 100%, reduce this to 10%”
@Polaris I want to delete my ORIGINAL intention. What do I do?
Delete the original intention and add a new one?.
Edit the ORIGINAL intention and add the new one in the same message?.
Do not delete the original intention, write a NEW message and tell ONEIRA to delete the original intention, not to do it anymore and then write a NEW message with the new intention?.
If I, for example, want to have CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ESTEEM, what is better:
1.- Oneira eliminate all my conscious and subconscious beliefs that prevent me, that block me from having CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ESTEEM and add new conscious and subconscious beliefs to have CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ESTEEM. Thank you.
2.- Oneira, I am a man with a lot of confidence and powerful self-esteem. Help me manifest it in my reality. Thank you.
3.- Oneira help me integrate the following (X subliminal audio, audio with energy, mandala, etc) and manifest it in my reality. Thank you.
What is the most powerful way?
Thank you.
All of them would work.
I would write no 1 and 3 in one goal
@Polaris If I edit the original intention and add the new intention in the same message or if I delete the original intention and write a new message (all of them work) is the original intention deleted?.
Oneira no longer works on the original intention? Only on the new intention, right?.
I don’t want intention residues to accumulate energy and overload me.
Options 1 and 3 in the same objective (delete and add beliefs + integration of a subliminal, energetic or mandala audio). I like the idea.
For integration with Oneira, what is better to choose:
Audio subliminal, energetic or mandala? (all purchased by me). What do you recommend?
I’m thinking of adding the subliminal, energetic or mandala audio in my DM Mandalas Manager V2 + DM The Field Emitter.
Listen to the subliminal or energetic audio or see mandala in an ACTIVE way.
And ask ONEIRA for help for integration and manifestation of the subliminal audio, energetic audio or mandala.
3 ways to achieve the objective. Is it a good idea?
Thank you.
Oneira doesn’t draw your energy. It works on it’s own source.
Follow your intuition.
If you don’t mind me to say: you rely on others’ opinions too much. You know what is the best for you
Our latest field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GtdltCwmNo can help you to build up this confidence in your own decisions. No more wondering if this should be this or that. You can learn how to feel it and know it.
Energy work is flexible. Of course some of them have protocols but with fields you have a huge space for own ideas and creativity.
Hi there,
When I click on @Oneira, it is saying “user’s public profile is hidden”. Can I still message her or will I need upgrading? Thanks
Thanks Polaris,
How to delete/cancel first requests,
Simply writing to Oneira requesting cancellation of the requests?
I checked, and you should be able to send a message. Let me know if you can.
Yes. You can start with "Cancel this goal… " and explain it. It doesn’t have to be the same wording. This field is intelligent and works with conceptual language
I can send messages! It worked. thank you.
Can I ask oneira to start healing and increasing my hydration levels just like high witcher
I think I am in need of a complete reset button and then maybe restart with another account? I’ve sent too many messages to oneira and there is no way to delete those, so I have to keep at least one sentence for every message that has been already sent. I would like to restart with a completely different mindset and pace, only with a goal/sentence at a time because my brain gets easily overwhelmed even with the indication that I have given to reduce the power… I think as a Libra ascendant the transiting Venus-Rahu-Neptune in Pisces in my 6th house is something I should have considered more before jumping straightforward like this propitious times for lucid dreaming for all though.
No, this field doesn’t work like that. Oneira is made to work in your dreams, your subconscious patterns and help you to manifest your dreams It can help you to create a habit to hydrate yourself.
@Vishakha you can send a message to Oneira to cancel every task and initiate a complete reset. It will work
@anon85091851 yes Oneria will work with you in your dreams. It might be facing some issues but in safe environment.
I have amazing results with this field. I can’t wait to go to sleep, lol Every night brings solutions to stuff. Last night my ancestors connected to me in my dreams. I admit, I did an enormous amount of healing and clearing but it never crossed my mind to actually ask them for blessings or support. I had a belief that all I inherited was a beauty, fierce temper, psychic gifts and a tone of curses, traumas and bad luck
Apparently, they want to help now
About time!
@Polaris Did you inherit beauty? Are you beautiful?
Yes, thanks @Polaris I was referring to how the mechanism worked so that it would manifest, from the subconscious mind as RN?
And also if it is used with affirmations in the present tense or as a request to Oneira? Something like asking him to do a task.
Women in my family are beautiful, but for most of us, it was a reason why we always felt in danger. We rejected ourselves, and so did the men we loved. So yeah, I am beautiful inside and out
Both use their own energy source, not yours, and both shape your subconscious mind. Similar but not the same. I feel Oneira is more advanced because it adapts to your own unique conceptual language.
I set my goal in a few descriptive sentences. I add how I feel. I use present tense. It is already here. No need to do anything more.
I also gave a simple command: “Remove all blockages related to… that I am not aware of”.
It might take some time for you to be able to develop this skill. It is a huge support and you’re not doing anything wrong. You might add fields to decalcify your pineal gland and avoid fluoride.
I’ve been remembering my dreams for my whole life. Every day. I learned a lot without Oneira with this field, I don’t have the “I don’t understand what this means”.
It must have been some beliefs that were inherited to you in male lineage and you healed them. That affected not only you but also your father and probably other men, too. Did you use Appollo?
Yes, you can ask Oneira to install beliefs that you want to have.
Here is a small update from me:
Yesterday, I was in bed, and I discovered that I had some blockages related to one subject. I really didn’t want to get up and log in to my laptop to send the message to Oneira. I focused on the field and sent information telepathically. It worked.
I had all night full of dreams that solved this issue. Including processing trauma that I didn’t know I had. So much you can do with this field, that is unbelievable. Because Oneria can tap into your subconscious, I think, even more than Connector because this is a more interactive field, and while Connector gave me many dreams that I needed to decode, Oneira guided me like a teacher and explained.
You can add commands for better integration:
- Integrate me with you, so we can communicate on a level of deep and instant understanding every time.
- Always explain to me the meaning of dreams and changes that are happening so I can go through life guided, understood and protected.
- Find a way to work with me, so I can understand myself better.
- Dissolve any blockage which hinders my growth. I give you my permission to go as deep as possible, to open closed doors, to find hidden keys, to bring to light everything that is for my highest good.
This field is not made to remove things or execute any commands, but to manifest what you write. If you want a health issue to disappear, write that you are healthy, not about the problem.