I have been using it for a long time, but I can’t feel any effect or experience any sensation. How can I solve this situation? Or is there any good solution for me?
help me
Not everyone will experience sensations, but the field is still working. Sometimes, it takes time for you to see the results. Inner work is essential. No field will solve the issues for you. It will send information but the results depend on you. Field is a tool, you are the creator of your reality.
If you don’t see the results you need to find the root of that.
If you want to be more sensitive to energy and be able to feel it more, this might help:
Can you recommend a solution or mandala to quickly see results?
or Boosted Mandala
There is no quick solution. Some changes take time. If you feel impatient to see results, you might also consider this field:
Being too attached to results is not helpful. You delay the process. For the Universe, time doesn’t exist. If you send information “I don’t have it” you will find it hard to receive it. You create the reality where you don’t have it, unfortunately.
Try to calm your mind and let go, so everything can flow to you effortlessly. Energy sensitivity needs time to be developed. Your physical body needs time.
And you can try this, affirm:
I consciously made the decision to accept the program of this mandala. I allow this mandala to work for me to achieve my desired results.
And take some time (or meditation) to connect with the field. Appreciate the field. Let the field integrate in your system.
Most important… Believe and trust that the field works! Doubt can already cause a blockage.
Embrace the field.