Please reply.
Could you please ask questions about fields in threads that are assigned to them in the future. It will help us to keep our forum more organized
Every field has a stable structure/program. There is no acting slower or faster. This is up to the person, not to the field. For example for me Mental State can work very fast because I cleared my subconscious mind and I have been used boosters for a very long time. For my friend it could work slower, because they have blockages in the subconscious, they might have other issues that they might not be even aware of. While I can integrate with field super fast, they might need a year for the same results.
Everyone is different.
Sorry i didn’t know about posting in threads.
Ok how you cleared your subconscious mind, using any fields? If so please mention here. .
And which boosters do you use.?
All of them RECOMMENDATIONS - Boosters
I’ve been using this fields DM: Subconscious Connector + Subconsciousness Reprogrammer
One is enough. They allow you to replace beliefs. Reprogrammer is for more active work.
Just replacing is not enough for the belief to settle. You need to take action. For example you think, that you’re not worthy of love. You need to find the root belief:
When did you feel this way first?
Who made you feel this way?
What emotions come with that?
What am I afraid will happen if I let go of this belief?
And you follow that line to find the real reason for this belief. You will feel strong emotions, like anger, pain,or grief.
Once you replace the belief for “I deserve to be loved the way I am”
You need to start to act like a person who is worthy. That means you say no to people who makes you feel not loved, you distance yourself from those who treat you badly. That’s how your mind adapts to new beliefs.