Could someone tell what does this FOR MEN: Restores Veins and Genitals do exactly?
The description says it restores all the veins in the body and then talks about penis. Is this field similar to male enhancement?
Will this field make my body look like that of a guy who lives in gym with veins protruding on his arms, neck etc.?
I believe it is to heal the man’s genital region from damage done from excessive masturbation/porn use, or any other reason for damage to have occured to the penis. Not an enhancement field, it is a healing/strengthening one.
Thanks, the description needs to be updated to avoid confusion.
This field sends information to your body with strong subliminal messages to restore and regenerate your genitals and enhance your manhood.
This audio restores all veins in the body.
It sends information to your genitals to increase blood flow and energy.
Subconscious programming included in the field:
I deserve a healthy penis.
I deserve a long penis.
My penis is long.
My penis is growing.
My penis is strong.
My penis is healthy.
My blood flow in my penis is perfect.
I love my penis.
My penis is thick.
I allow myself to let my penis grow.
I allow myself to have a long penis.
I allow myself to have a thick penis.
I allow myself to have a healthy penis.
I allow myself to have strong, healthy erections.
I allow myself to let this field grow my penis.
I allow my penis to grow.
I allow my penis to be long.
I allow my penis to be thick.
I am thankful for my penis.
My penis is beautiful.
My penis is growing.
Women love my penis.
Women want my penis.
Women love my beautiful penis.
1 Like
December 29, 2024, 6:10pm
Do you still have the audio? I lost mine
December 30, 2024, 12:26pm
Unfortunately, I don’t send any audio to anyone.