Do protection mandala hinder us spiritually our progress? Or it aids us to go furtherdeeper?

Hello , i have a question, is using protection such as in your favour and return bad if used all the time? Since im not receiving outside energies, i dont feel the pain and suffering, does that mean my soul progress slower compared to accepting raw pain and transmuting them? What do you think? If the journey is enlightenment in the end, we need those triggers and everything from outside energies to know where we need to work on… but of we use protection such as in your favour, how does our soul experience growth ? Im actually genuinely curious, please pour ur ideas and perspective into this , or maybe this could be my programming to accept pain as normal ,im not sure so i need some outside perspective who have experienced alot in spirituality …

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Not all pain and suffering are necessary for learning and enlightenment.

What we need to learn is already inside us, the traumas and negative patterns from past lives, from childhood, from our lineage, from global consciousness. From them, we attract and create our own pains and sufferings again and again until we realize and heal to stop repeating the circle.

Even the human body itself is programmed for pains and suffering. We age, deteriorate, vulnerable to damages, hold onto every negative emotions and traumas to cellular levels.

The protection fields will help to protect you from outside negative energy or attacks from external forces, which cause unnecessary pain and suffering and hinder our healing and development process. For example, I become successful and some people get jealous of me and send me evil eyes and even curses to hold me down. What lessons can I learn from other people’s jealousy except from learning to protect myself?

At the end of the day, enlightenment is about ending pains and suffering, not about adding more of them.


Learning from suffering is a base humanity program that makes people to accept suffering as a part of growth. This is deeply rooted especially in those who were born into Christian families. Why? Someone had to die for your sins, so you can get redemption. So sacrifice and pain is the highest form of love.
You come to this world in and with the pain of your mother (which was also programmed and designed this way, including the wrong position during labour for women).
So from the very beginning, you feel that all good things come with pain.

You don’t need pain to evolve at all. You need to integrate dark and light, become authentic and stand in your power. This is a true evolution for me. This often leads to fire and rebirth, losing identity and dismantling programs that activate to prevent you.
Some people can find this easier; some people might need to completely deconstruct ego and reality step by step to fight for every inch of sovereignty. Depending on past lives, ancestral contracts and karma. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. The definition of pain can be different to everyone. For me pain is temporary, I am not holding onto it, I accept it as a part of clearing but now I reject the idea of constant suffering for the sake of learning. BUT! I had this mindset since Babilon. Learn through suffering to understand humans better. Personally, I think it was a trap for many souls.

I experienced every trauma, every pain possible, wars, catastrophes, and the end of civilizations, and I died a million times. That’s how my soul got fractured and torn into pieces, and even some of them were owned by demons. So, for me, the main goal was to restore my soul completely, sometimes fighting to get it back, claiming my integrity, and getting my power back.

I think we all came here for different reasons and with a different purpose. You can learn more by experiencing good things in your life. But when pain happens, you can transform it into power, which is a real flex.

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Thank you :pray: i will have to reconsider my views and perspectives