Opening mandalas on Pc with Windows viewer will work??
@anon89995593 will cutting some of the mandala make it not work?
Yes it should work. Maitreya had indicated it on a message .
Will this work? If i just put this as my lock screen and home screen?
I’m pretty new for using mandalas
Also wanted to know, how. Do we use the “reality shifter” mandala?
You just stare at it on your phone say ‘activate’ and ‘stop’?
Warm regards.
Except for the one with partially visible mandalas(the ones which has text on it “print&use” rest will work.
Refer to this for detailed information on using Reality Shifting mandala
how do i used the mandalas do i put it on my lock screen close my phone and leave it in my pocket?
That should work as long as the image is there.
do i have to say anythink for it to work?
the range is 10m too?
For 97% percent of the mandalas, the range is 30 cm. Only the Home Series and a few others have a wider reach. Therefore you print them out and carry them with you.
thanks, yeah bsc i saw the lucky mandala is 10m…
is lucky timeline mandala really 10m?? i thought its 5cm only
after the lucky one have one coment asking the range of the other one, and Maitreya answers:
—On what range they are working? Around 10 meters if this is your question.—
So i guess when say “they” means at least until the lucky one, not only one… but i dont have a way to measure it
I think they already have those mandalas, but are using the watermarked versions as a placeholder for us
Which mandala is better, quantum booster or energy sensitivity and fields booster? Also I can’t find description of quantum booster mandala, can we replace the audio and just use mandala as a substitute?
Will using this be problematic together with sapien mandalas?
And the quantum booster mandala is same as quantum booster audio right?
yes you can only use the quantum booster mandala.the energy sensitivity booster is different and does different things, but your field results will always you can use both mandala.
I’m not seeing much results from ice walls mandala I’ve pasted it on 2 walls of my room using tape
Will the mandalas still work even if some part of the paper is ripped or deformed? like cellotape it then remove the paper as the cellotape comes of it? should the image be prestine always for it to work best