Can't choose an audio

So i am looking between all masculanisation related audios and i can’t choose. Is the androgen receptor audio better than the other audios. For example the Hercules one.

it depends what you’re going for. if you want to bulk and put on muscle I would recommend that for sure. It says in the description of the videos what the field will help for, in my personal opinion if I would go for the aesthetic body with testosterone as that is what I would find ideal for myself.

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I am not looking exactly for muscle. I am doing semsn retention and the androgen audio would help me. I just wondered if the muscle audios contain the andeogen audio as the muscles would be a bonus.

Where is the audio of Hercules, I cannot find it …

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Thank you very much :+1:

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I’m using this one as well lol hey why not right

what are your results?

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it says in the description if it does, I believe aesthetic body does. Careful with the androgen receptors audio, I forgot I had it looped one time and I got some nasty side effects. Thankfully I am feeling better now

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Does the Hercules have the same effectiveness as the androgen audio? Or is it weaker.

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What issues did you have with androgen receptor audio?

extremely low blood sugar to the point where I would feel faint, confused and have heart palpitations just from walking, I stopped using it and started using eternal cleaner and body scanner and I am better now but it took me a minute to figure out what was going on.