Better audios to end fear

@DarkMatter did any of these help you out?
To be honest, I’m also doing everything as same as you
But this “fear” just does not go away
I’m also using the amygdala healing and many-many others

“Fear is a level of consciousness to be addressed where it is, not in its expression and extension into the world-fear of this, fear of that-and not trying to handle it on the level of the particular but handling it instead as a level of consciousness. This is done by becoming aware of that which we are, which is greater than the fear, and learning to disidentify with the emotion so we are not that. We are an overall field in which fear is being experienced. It becomes a small thing occurring within the greater context in which we become aware of ourselves as that which we really are.”

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Use revision to delete the fears

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I appreciate the effort
But it’s not actually what I’m looking for
And Its not easy to explain

bro have u try confidence mandala from Sapien?. It work for me. I depressed and social anxiety more than 10 years so i know how to be fear :v: . The mandala is just a simple nullify fear and boost confidence temporarily but for me it work better than anything.
I still finding how to release fear in the long-term like both of you but i think in the long term nothing beat meditation.

It means at the end you have to expand your consciousness if you want to get out of fear. It shows you where you have to work there is no really other way out.

“but im using this and it doesn’t go away”

This is not how it works even when you delete all that it will come back since it’s your consciousness that will create these fear-based pattern again.

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Sounds like a job for SLR + any fear fields. That’s what I do with all of maitreya’s fields because the field can do its work but consciously you feel something missing and try to fill it up. In this case it’d be filled back up with fear.

Well what I mean is I’m not looking for that kind of advise, I have done all of that higher self, conciousness stuff and I’m still doing

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@DarkMatter @Ezekiel7119


I’m trying a completely different approach that doesn’t involve using audio, if it works I’ll give you feedback.

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Okay, I’ll see.

Best way possible. BTW I was talking about V2 of the sub re programmer I think. Im sure you have read the thread on it.

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the reality note right?

You must transmute darkness to light to be fearless. Transmutation is a purification process where you face all your fears and heal them. The process is a nightmare. You must go through Hell to get to Heaven.

You have to dig into your soul where all the hidden darkness is and allow it to come up to be healed and transformed to light. Allow yourself to express it, but try not to direct it towards anyone. You must also try to be positive while going through the cleansing of fear; don’t allow the fear to overwhelm you.

Often times spiritual practice will trigger the releasing and healing of fear. This process is messy and not easy and always follow your intuition to guide you through the process.

Ask Maitreya about this since she should know about it.


Did you end up overcoming this fear?

(I work as a professional therapist - I could give you some tips that don’t include audios - but only if you would like them)


The confidence, dominance and autority mandala?

These fields should be able to help