Apollo Perfect Masculine Beauty

Apollo Perfect #Masculine #beauty

This field has been designed to connect you to the highest aspect of the primordial masculine energy. It will give you the feeling of being handsome and carrying the energy of harmonious masculine beauty as well as the power, courage and dignity that are inherent to a man. It will give you the feeling of being a god. It will clear any insecurities and fears that prevent you from feeling handsome, strong, confident and having the courage to act and pursue your goals and desires.

The field will release all fears connected to one being handsome and powerful as a man i.e. that this might damage your relationships with your parents or other family members, with your partner, that if you stand out too much you might get envy and jealousy from your peers, that once you are a handsome and powerful man, you now have to take full responsibility for your life and your freedom of choice. It will help you release all blocks to feeling deserving of what you truly want and trusting your capacity to achieve it.

The field will remove all wrong ideas that make you conceal, suppress, damage, or hide your masculine expression and beauty out of fear or wrong belief, including collective misunderstanding of the masculine nature and value.

The field will clear all traumas and conflicts related to past relationships. It will release the feelings of being offended, angry, and disappointed.

DM: It heals the whole family line from negative feelings towards women and will bring fresh new energy and ability to develop and sustain healthy relationships, family and partnerships. It will release delusions that one is not worthy or valuable or any condescending or demeaning attitude one has suffered. The field will connect you to the archetypal masculine energy of a worthy, dignified, strong, courageous, responsible, loved, respected and valued man. A man that feels like a god.

Digital Mandala: maitreyastore.com/p/apollo-perfect-masculine-beauty