DM:-Power of God(Generation operation Destruction)
When people think of God,the first impression that comes to their mind is of an entity,especially one who sits on the throne judging good from evil.Little do they know that God actually refers to source of everything,the absolute truth of which everything that exists in the creation is part of.This absolute truth has manifest as the Trinity as Brahma=Generator Vishnu=operator Shiva=Destroyer.We can also attributes it’s to also manifest as God the father,God the son and God the holy spirit.
In the human life we are living in ignorance because the ordinary human body is not fit to comprehend the absolute truth.The good news is that,the human body can be evolved to the level of which we souls can understand the absolute truth,GOD and then wield the power of GOD,the power to Generat,operate and destroy the entire creation at our will.Since we are part of source,there is no difference between us and source.Just like there is no difference between a drop of water taken out from an ocean and the rest of the ocean.
The field will do the following:
(1)Unlock 100% capacity of your brain and mind,this will make you omniscience and your intentions will be very powerful.
(2)Transform your cells and all parts of your body from carbon structure to light structure.
(3)Activate all 72,000 meridians and 88,000 chakras along with their spiritual abilities to the highest level.
(4)Cleansing and Harmonizing of Ida nadi and pingala Nadi which will lead to the awakening of the dormant sushumna Nadi.This will allow Kundalini energy to flow freely thought out your entire energy system and to the brain,so that you can comprehend macroversal level awareness.
(5)Ability to silence the mind and meditate for any duration.
(6)When you are ready,the Kundalini will rise to the crown chakra merging the divine masculine and divine feminine within you,ending duality.
(6)Activate your DNA strands to 144,000 strands and beyond.
(7)Heal all part of your DNA.
(8)Purification of each and every cell of your being.
(9)Evolve your subtle bodies to the highest divine level,so that they can handle your powers
(10)Your Aura becomes Golden.(This attract everybody)
(11)Golden hallo around your head
(12)Removal of the six poisons of the mind which are Desire,lust,envy,miserliness,attachment,pride and jealousy.
(13)Ability to witness life as a soul.
(14)Purify,balance and awaken the 5 element along with their spiritual powers.
(15)All seals,parasites,implants,sickness,sins,limiting beliefs,karma,disease and negative energies are cleared from your entire vibration.
(16)All stagnant energies,black energies,traumas,distortions,illusions,past lives vows,negative soul contract,abundance blocks,black magic,entity attachment,satanic energy and evil energies are cleared and destroyed across all time,space,dimensions,lifetimes and realities.
(17)Your energy field is filled with unconditional love.
(18)All your cells are perfectly hydrated.
(19)Become omnipotent and gain dominion over everything in the creation.
(20)Maximum level of needed life force(ojas,Tejas,prana/jing,qi,shen).Life force flows freely through out your entire energy system.
(21)You are perfectly healthy and not overwhelmed by your powers.
(22)Activation of your assemblage point and the power that resides there.The power in this point can be used to destroy and recreate anything.Just as a black hole destroys and the white hole recreate,the power in this point can do just that.This power will be activated and absorbed into your entire vibration.
(23)All your cells,chakras,subtle bodies and entire energy field is filled with the energy of omnipotent.This give you dominion over everything with a mere thought you can create and Destroy the entire creation.
(24)Subconscious/conscious mind empowerment:This makes your mind extremely powerful,that anything you desire is instantly manifested.
(25)Your orders and decision cannot be overruled by anyone in the creation except the supreme whole(source)
(26)Subdue all animals,humans,ghost,demigods,gods and all entities across the universe,multiverse,omniverse,metaverse,microverse and macroverse.
(27)possess Divine love to help others to reach your level.
(28)Activate all spiritual powers in your glands
(29)Activate all quadrant of your pineal gland,which will grant you clairvoyance,clairaudience,clairsentienece,caircognizance and all other Clair’s.
(30)Activation of the thousand petal lotus to it’s full capacity.
(31)merging and fusion of all your multidimensional selves,higher selves and other selves together and becoming one while at the same time being omnipresence across the creation.
(32)Activation of all dormant spiritual powers within you.
(33)Ability to Purify the entire creation,just for someone to think about you,they become free from all negativity,talkless of talking to you or touching you.
(34)Ability to witness past,present and future at the same time.
(35)Nullify all negative external influence in your life like planetary effect.
(36)Purify,awaken,energize the 7 main chakras and unlock spiritual powers present in them.
This field is Design to lead you to complete self realization and awareness of the absolute.Your consciousness will merge with the awareness of source God allowing you wield the power of GOD(Generation operation Destruction of the entire Creation).
This will also grant you all the major 8 siddhis:
Aṇimā: the ability to reduce one’s body to the size of an atom.
Mahimā: the ability to expand one’s body to an infinitely large size.
Laghimā: the ability to become weightless or lighter than air.
Garimā: the ability to become heavy or dense.
Prāpti: the ability to realize whatever one desires.
Prākāmya: the ability to access any place in the world.
Īśiṭva: the ability to control all material elements or natural forces.
Vaśiṭva: the ability to force influence upon anyone.
This will also grant you all other 64 minor sddhis.
Remember with great power comes great responsibility,use with caution if you are ready.