#6 Game of Creative Ideas

DM: Good Fortune with Amethyst Energy(Attracting Benefactors)

Imagine this: you can easily chat and laugh with anyone, especially those who will help you in the future. They get a good impression of you, and you become very confident. You stay calm in any situation and seize every advantageous opportunity. Your life becomes positive and interesting. Whenever you face difficulties, there’s always someone to help you. You are the master of your destiny.

Amethyst helps you attract benefactors and good opportunities. It makes you smarter and more intuitive. Attract good fortune with your heart.

  1. Attracting Help: Increases chances of meeting people who can help you.
  2. Enhancing Charm: Makes you more attractive to others.
  3. Strengthening Intuition: Helps you feel who is good for you.
  4. Better Interpersonal Relationships: Improves your interactions with people.
  5. Social Confidence: Boosts your confidence in communicating with others.
  6. Understanding Others: Better understanding of others’ feelings and needs.
  7. Positive Atmosphere: Creates an environment that attracts good people.
  8. Following Destiny: Helps you meet people important to your life.
  9. Raised Awareness: Easier to notice and seize opportunities.

Suitable for: People seeking career development, entrepreneurs and businesspeople, artists and creators, social butterflies, personal growth enthusiasts, those seeking a change in life, and spiritual explorers.


akashic records in dreams

formulate a question before going to bed and place the mandala next to you
in a dream, the subconscious connects to the information field of the Akashic Chronicle and transmits the answer to the question, provides information
ps interesting entries in chronological order of any process

why in a dream? because there are no distractions in a dream, not everyone knows how to relax in reality, the flow of thoughts can interfere with receiving information
as I see the implementation
In a dream, a person enters the astral plane, all emotions are extinguished and the astral body is brought into a state calm from anxiety
then the akashic chronicle connects and scans the answer to the question

the mandala will be interesting as a constant practice, the akash is interesting, it is a storehouse of information or all the information


I will complement the akashic chronicles and information field of the earth
Both are a global database. In the information field, all psychics “receive information” about an individual person, his future, the causes of problems, karmic issues. And the Akashic chronicles store knowledge about global changes, world movements, all significant events for humanity as a whole and also about each person individually. Akashi allows anyone to access the database to understand the cause of their problems.


DM:Malefic Planetary effect neutralizer/Benefic planetary effect enhancer.
The planetary energies that flows through our physical and subtle bodies control all areas of our lifes.Depending on the wether they are benefic or malefic,they can help positively affect our lifes or destroy it.
The mandala nullifies the malefic effect of all the planets and enhance all their benefic effects.With the eradication of the malefic effect of the planet and the enhancement of their benefic effect,we begin to:
(1)Have more freewill and make good choices to progress more in life.
(2)Develope genuine relationship with our friends,family and loved ones.
(3)Feel more in control of our lifes
(4)Progress in all areas of our lifes.
(5)Have a healthy mind,body and spirit.
(6)Become unstoppable
(7)Get guidance and advice from the planet.
(8)Achieve our goals and fulfill all our wishes.
(9)Get power,fame,money,abundance and success in all endeavors.
(10)Clear obstacles from our path and make the impossible possible.


Ultimate integration assistant

This field helps you to integrate your desired energy field/mandala/program/belief/audio with guarantee and in rapid speed.

How it works:
You activate this mandala
Then you take a mandala of your choice, indicate the desired parameters by saying them out loud, intention or in writing on paper, e.g: Integrate field, belief set, program xy with 80% of my total capacity.
Then you say stop or what feels right for you.
Now all you have to do is observe when you have reached your desired goal and, if necessary, support it with your own actions

Of course, the whole thing also works digitally with the manager and the field emitter. Simply create a folder with the assistant and the desired field or, for example, a belief in the form of a text file, open the assistant, activate it and say your intention out loud or in your head or add it in writing as another text file in the same folder.

The advantages and how it works:
While activated, this field searches for all obstacles that prevent the success of permanent integration.
It dissolves mental, emotional, karmic and unconscious blockages.
It revokes any soul contracts or contracts with entities that stand in the way of fulfillment.
It dissolves self-sabotage mechanisms associated with the desired field/goal. It connects you to the divine source, your higher self and your subconscious and passes on the above-mentioned orders to it as instructions and a kind of prayer, so that your higherself and God support and accelerate the integration.

Further features are:
A built-in protection, so that the integration cannot be blocked by overload. If desired, it promotes awareness, i.e. reaching the information from the subconscious. For example, you select install 1000 subconscious beliefs and the installed beliefs appear as thoughts in your waking consciousness.
The wizard anchors the desired field firmly in your energy field for the duration of the integration and, depending on the parameters set, it uses your resources until the process is complete. For example, if you use 5 fields a day, these use 100 percent of your capacity. Now you use the wizard and a field xy with 80 %. This means that this field xy is integrated with 80% of your available capacity and the rest is divided between your remaining fields.


Reiki star exercise coach

The star exercise is a really powerfull exercise with many, many benefits. It is said that this could be the only exercise needed for Ascension.

Here you can read more

This field helps you to do the star exercise correctly. It installs the correct process, the posture the breathing, the imagination part and the right words in your subconsciousness. With that you can intuitively do the exercise.

Other benefits:

It gives you the discipline to do the exercise daily and develop a routine.
It removes all the doubts, if you do it right and the feeling of impatience.
It calms your mind and enhances your focus, so that you can concentrate only on the exercise.
It protects you from negative side effects and overload.
It enhances and supports the benefits from the exercise.


Trigger aid and assesment neutralizer

Who hasn’t experienced it: we get triggered in relationships and want to scream at the other person, hurt them or feel sad and inferior. The possible feelings that can be triggered in us are manifold.

This field is there to recognize when a trigger is triggered and to prevent the immediate reaction to it. It creates a space between action and reaction, so to speak, through which you can consciously change your perspective and not act driven by your feelings. In addition, the field helps you to notice when you (unconsciously) automatically judge something and thus creates space to look at the situation neutrally and to change your own perspective for the good of all.

If the triggered feeling stems from a trauma, an experience, this field dissolves this feeling and the trauma behind it. At the same time, it deletes the associated cell memories and releases possible tensions and blockages in connection with the situation.

You can also use this field to research the causes afterwards by activating the field and recalling the situation in a meditative state. It then enables you to return to the moment when you first felt this feeling, to completely and automatically dissolve the feeling and fill the space with unconditional love

the pensieve

Inspired by the harry potter movie this field allows you to store your exact memory in stones, rings etc. And if you wish disconnect you with the feelings connected with the memory, socthat you can watch the moment neutrally as observer
It can be helpful for storing tasks, ideas important moments, wonderful moments and even traumatic experiences.

With this field you are able to store experiences and forget these memories in your day to day live by wish. If you then try to think about the situation it’s like oh there happened something but i don’t know what exactly, i have to look in my pensieve.

But be careful you have to know what memory is where and don’t have to loose the objects.

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"This dm/audio must contain the energetic signature of “I am” on different levels, this energy must guide you in a deep and intense process in “I am” when you press play and get in touch with the energy, this like a deep intense vibration that resonates with your purest essence
“I am” on all multidimensional levels, applying the concept of past and present and future.

Hearing this once should be able to heal all the energies of your past, present, and future, transmuting them into I am

let’s go
energy guides you to the levels
I am
I am what I am
I am the presence
I am life
I am the I am

By visualizing your true essence integrating with your physical body consciousness, then you transcend (your body receives a download of soul consciousness)

This absurdly increases the manifestation of desires and thoughts at astronomical levels

This cleanses all your chakras and energetic body by just focusing on the I am, receiving this infinite light

This can clear your karmas and remove negative energies

This downloads your higher soul consciousness to your current consciousness now of the physical body.

Makes the aura bright

Spiritual evolution and understanding divine source i

You become consciousness, the energies are in your favor, this neutralizes the negative effects of the planets in your life, it tremendously increases the positive effects

there is no more suffering, you are the I Am consciousness, you understand that you are, regardless of anything, control over the mind

The I Am power is cumulative, it will remove your limiting beliefs and transcend your mind to an infinite level that surpasses time



Sadhana Automated Field

The unique aspect of this field is its automation capability. Instead of the individual actively engaging in Sadhana practices, the field itself interacts with the person’s higher self. It transmits the necessary information from a document you write about your sadhana or any spiritual practice and sends the instructions for the Sadhana directly to your higher self. This process allows the higher self to perform the Sadhana or any spiritual practice or ritual on behalf of the individual and sends the full effects down to you, effectively outsourcing the spiritual practice.



Threefold Flame

“the Threefold Flame is the essence of the Universe/God/Creator, within us”

It is our inner divine that is one with the universe, it is the combination of the pink flame, blue flame, and yellow flame

Blue Flame (Represents Divine Power/Faith/Willpower)

It is the ability to manifest and achieve in this life, after you know and awaken the blue flame you know the feeling of manifesting through the Divine Within, you manifest everything through the power of the creator

Meditating with the blue flame will give you strength of motivation and unstoppable spiritual strength, a force greater than anything mundane, the force of the blue flame is the universe, it is the essence of the creator within you, it is action, there is nothing more powerful that it

Yellow Flame
(Represents Wisdom/Enlightenment)

Our awareness that we are part of the ONE, without separation, we are all one, everything that happens is part of a learning that our souls wish to receive in this earthly experience, understanding of life

meditating with the yellow flame causes the expansion of consciousness, understanding the secrets of the universe, spiritual wisdom, increases intuition, can give you psychic abilities, open the third eye

Pink Flame
(Represents Divine Love/Compassion)
It is pure unconditional love, comprising the love within yourself and in all people, self-love and divine compassion

meditating on the pink flame will increase love throughout your life, your being will be filled with unconditional love, overflowing and radiating love, you will understand the divine love within you and in other people, you will realize the love that the universe and the other people send it to you, it helps to harmonize relationships and manifest relationships of pure love

the Threefold Flame is the perfect connection/combination of blue, yellow and pink

this is like an energy bomb that explodes from within you to the outside (body, soul and spirit, in all dimensions, even your past lives will receive the energy after this powerful explosion) this is extremely transformative, it transforms your interior and people around, transforms the way the universe conspires in your favor, transforms your consciousness and being deeply

This contains unlimited benefits, just try it to find out

let’s go to the audio/mandala:

This energy is the true Threefold Flame, which reflects within you, vibrating deeply with the three flames, which vibrates your body and mind, soul and spirit.


DM:-Power of God(Generation operation Destruction)
When people think of God,the first impression that comes to their mind is of an entity,especially one who sits on the throne judging good from evil.Little do they know that God actually refers to source of everything,the absolute truth of which everything that exists in the creation is part of.This absolute truth has manifest as the Trinity as Brahma=Generator Vishnu=operator Shiva=Destroyer.We can also attributes it’s to also manifest as God the father,God the son and God the holy spirit.
In the human life we are living in ignorance because the ordinary human body is not fit to comprehend the absolute truth.The good news is that,the human body can be evolved to the level of which we souls can understand the absolute truth,GOD and then wield the power of GOD,the power to Generat,operate and destroy the entire creation at our will.Since we are part of source,there is no difference between us and source.Just like there is no difference between a drop of water taken out from an ocean and the rest of the ocean.
The field will do the following:
(1)Unlock 100% capacity of your brain and mind,this will make you omniscience and your intentions will be very powerful.
(2)Transform your cells and all parts of your body from carbon structure to light structure.
(3)Activate all 72,000 meridians and 88,000 chakras along with their spiritual abilities to the highest level.
(4)Cleansing and Harmonizing of Ida nadi and pingala Nadi which will lead to the awakening of the dormant sushumna Nadi.This will allow Kundalini energy to flow freely thought out your entire energy system and to the brain,so that you can comprehend macroversal level awareness.
(5)Ability to silence the mind and meditate for any duration.
(6)When you are ready,the Kundalini will rise to the crown chakra merging the divine masculine and divine feminine within you,ending duality.
(6)Activate your DNA strands to 144,000 strands and beyond.
(7)Heal all part of your DNA.
(8)Purification of each and every cell of your being.
(9)Evolve your subtle bodies to the highest divine level,so that they can handle your powers
(10)Your Aura becomes Golden.(This attract everybody)
(11)Golden hallo around your head
(12)Removal of the six poisons of the mind which are Desire,lust,envy,miserliness,attachment,pride and jealousy.
(13)Ability to witness life as a soul.
(14)Purify,balance and awaken the 5 element along with their spiritual powers.
(15)All seals,parasites,implants,sickness,sins,limiting beliefs,karma,disease and negative energies are cleared from your entire vibration.
(16)All stagnant energies,black energies,traumas,distortions,illusions,past lives vows,negative soul contract,abundance blocks,black magic,entity attachment,satanic energy and evil energies are cleared and destroyed across all time,space,dimensions,lifetimes and realities.
(17)Your energy field is filled with unconditional love.
(18)All your cells are perfectly hydrated.
(19)Become omnipotent and gain dominion over everything in the creation.
(20)Maximum level of needed life force(ojas,Tejas,prana/jing,qi,shen).Life force flows freely through out your entire energy system.
(21)You are perfectly healthy and not overwhelmed by your powers.
(22)Activation of your assemblage point and the power that resides there.The power in this point can be used to destroy and recreate anything.Just as a black hole destroys and the white hole recreate,the power in this point can do just that.This power will be activated and absorbed into your entire vibration.
(23)All your cells,chakras,subtle bodies and entire energy field is filled with the energy of omnipotent.This give you dominion over everything with a mere thought you can create and Destroy the entire creation.
(24)Subconscious/conscious mind empowerment:This makes your mind extremely powerful,that anything you desire is instantly manifested.
(25)Your orders and decision cannot be overruled by anyone in the creation except the supreme whole(source)
(26)Subdue all animals,humans,ghost,demigods,gods and all entities across the universe,multiverse,omniverse,metaverse,microverse and macroverse.
(27)possess Divine love to help others to reach your level.
(28)Activate all spiritual powers in your glands
(29)Activate all quadrant of your pineal gland,which will grant you clairvoyance,clairaudience,clairsentienece,caircognizance and all other Clair’s.
(30)Activation of the thousand petal lotus to it’s full capacity.
(31)merging and fusion of all your multidimensional selves,higher selves and other selves together and becoming one while at the same time being omnipresence across the creation.
(32)Activation of all dormant spiritual powers within you.
(33)Ability to Purify the entire creation,just for someone to think about you,they become free from all negativity,talkless of talking to you or touching you.
(34)Ability to witness past,present and future at the same time.
(35)Nullify all negative external influence in your life like planetary effect.
(36)Purify,awaken,energize the 7 main chakras and unlock spiritual powers present in them.
This field is Design to lead you to complete self realization and awareness of the absolute.Your consciousness will merge with the awareness of source God allowing you wield the power of GOD(Generation operation Destruction of the entire Creation).
This will also grant you all the major 8 siddhis:
Aṇimā: the ability to reduce one’s body to the size of an atom.
Mahimā: the ability to expand one’s body to an infinitely large size.
Laghimā: the ability to become weightless or lighter than air.
Garimā: the ability to become heavy or dense.
Prāpti: the ability to realize whatever one desires.
Prākāmya: the ability to access any place in the world.
Īśiṭva: the ability to control all material elements or natural forces.
Vaśiṭva: the ability to force influence upon anyone.
This will also grant you all other 64 minor sddhis.
Remember with great power comes great responsibility,use with caution if you are ready.


Working with personal blocks on the chakras in the mode of review and awareness using a mandala
The mandala will be an assistant in identifying personal blocks on the chakras and an assistant in working through these blocks

The mandala will allow you to work with each chakra and each block separately
Activation words of the mandala “Activate working with blocks on Muladhara”
Deactivation words “Deactivate working with blocks on Muladhara”
After the activation words, the Mandala scans for the presence of all blocks on a specific chakra
After identification, proceeds to activate the first block
The user receives sensations, memories, pictures, emotions, situations, everything related to this block
The user begins to review and rethink the situation of the block occurrence
The mandala will give the right hints and states for the most successful processing of the block
The user can stop the work with deactivation words if the user becomes uncomfortable
There will also be a command “Roll back work with the first block” if the user feels that he is not ready to work with this block and the changes made to the block

And the user can proceed to activate the next block with words Activate the second block on Muladhara And so the user will work with other chakras and blocks by analogy

The mandala will be an assistant in identifying personal blocks on the chakras and an assistant in working through these blocks

Personal blocks are the main pitfalls that prevent us from making a leap forward in our development, getting what we want, achieving our goals.
The most effective way is to let the user work with their blocks point by point with each specific block
Mandala will reveal blocks
The mandala will set you up for the right states, give the right directions, tips for eliminating the block

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DM: Virtual Friends/Mentors

We become similar to the people we interact with.

It’s better to be alone than to associate with just anyone.

If you want to succeed in something, you need to place yourself in a specific environment and you will inevitably adopt the character, mindset, views on life, priorities, actions, new values, habits, reactions, and aspirations of the people in that environment.

But what if there was a way not only to interact in a desired environment but also to choose people whose mentality you’d like to absorb and make your own?

Are you interested in growing your business? How about absorbing information not just from businessmen, but from the absolute best? How would your thinking, motivation, actions, and deeds change if included Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs were your friends and mentors­?

With the new Mandala, this becomes possible.

Mandala creates a virtual environment for you with people you’d like to be friends/mentors with and interact with in real life.

Mandala creates an effect where you receive all the information from a person that you would get by being in constant contact with them. In other words, information from these people, their experiences, motivation, values, aspirations, attitudes, and skills will quickly lead to changes in your inner world, which will soon be reflected in your external world.

All you need to do is mentally imagine the desired person and activate the Mandala.

This way, you can choose an environment of up to five people.

You can deactivate the Mandala or remove any person at any time. If you forget and add a sixth person, the connection with the first will automatically be severed.

Mandala also has another effect: each of these people is your mentor. You can reach out to them with any question and quickly receive an intuitive answer on how that person would handle your specific situation.

Having trouble losing weight and getting into sports? Not a problem. Make friends/mentors with people who have a great physique, engage in sports, and lead a healthy lifestyle. And you will not have the opportunity not to change.

Want to succeed in sports? Easy. Just choose champions as your virtual friends.

Looking for spiritual mentors? No problem. Even Buddha is at your disposal.

Changing your life, mindset, and acquiring any skills has never been so easy.


DM: Multidimensional Sender

The wonderful Time-breaker mandala allows us to send fields back in time to our past selves.

But what if there were a possibility to send any desired field to all parallel incarnations of your soul existing in other dimensions?

The mandala operates on the principle of Time-breaker.


  1. add the fields you want to send to your parallel incarnations to a folder
  2. add the DM: Multidimensional Sender
  3. activate the DM: Multidimensional Sender

That’s it.

Now, fields of love, gratitude, purification, healing, wealth, etc., are sent to all the incarnations of your soul.

Healing all parallel incarnations will likely bring healing to your soul and monad on the deepest level. :innocent: :heart:

:blue_heart: :yellow_heart:


Space Crystalliser

Dissolve physical space
Transport yourself to purest energy of a space of record (mythical/ physical)
Map out energetic signature
Crystallise it and store it in your field
Create interconnected hall of crystallised energy spaces
At will transportation of others to these crystallised spaces upon invitation

Your shamanic ally

You may have heard of shamanic power animals and are now wondering what they actually are. Shamanic power animals are spiritual beings that accompany us on our journey and can support us in various areas of our lives. They can serve as guides, counselors and protectors and help us to be in touch with nature and our inner self.

In different cultures around the world, certain animals are associated with certain qualities and powers. For example, the bear is associated with strength and courage, the eagle with wisdom and clarity and the snake with transformation and healing. These are called power animals

This field establishes an immediate connection to your power animal and strengthens it. It automatically dissolves all limiting beliefs and resistances that prevent you from contacting and perceiving your power animal.

It helps you to integrate the qualities of your power animal on a subconscious and conscious level.

It also attracts the appearance in the 3D world, you will encounter your animal more often in real life, on television or the internet and so on. Your focus is drawn to it so that you notice its presence.

You can also connect with your helper animal, which is there to help and support you in your current situation, through intention and this field also helps you to consciously recognize your helper animal.

When you meditate intentionally with this field, you embark on a shamanic journey to your power animal, you can ask it questions, ask it for guidance and so on. The field helps you to free yourself from sources of interference so that you can fully surrender to the experience.

In addition, this field has a database of all power animals and you can, depending on which power animal with its qualities you think you need, connect with it by intention or out loud and realize its qualities in your life.

Here is a sample list of a few power animals and their qualities:

Bear: balance, courage, strength, endurance and closeness to nature
Elk: Protection, friendship, (female) life energy
Owl: wisdom, intuition, awareness
Horse: lightness, grace, beauty, self-healing
Fox: intelligence, wise decisions, growth and self-knowledge
Wolf: Love of freedom, trust in one’s own instincts and social nature
Ptarmigan: New beginnings, freedom, inner clarity, bravery
Hedgehog: perseverance, contentment, self-protection and self-confidence
Dove: sense of direction, peace, love, protection and hope

But there are many, many more :wink:

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Wow i came back to this post and I was litterly about to write the same idea :pray:
Thank you for this !!

I was plan to focus on the Clearing abilties of the shaman.
The grounding and automated rain/cascade body :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Astral body shapeshifter
The astral plane is full of wonders and amusement, however, it is never an amusement park as evil entities and dangerous places there can be common, and also, unpleasant lessons can be learnt if you are not well prepared to go there.
So we have this field created, to empower you to make some amazing shapeshifts into your astral body and furthermore, improve your astral adventure experience. This shapeshift is not merely about changing the appearance of your astral body; What it does actually, is expanding your astral body’s abilities, so you can utilize the potential of your astral body to explore the astral plane and make your astral adventure a safer and more fun experience.
There is also an additional fuction attached which will enable you to integrate the prototype of your shapeshift into the presence of your astral body. A case: You wish to shift your astral body into a dragon, then dragon power, dragon core, dragon essence, etc, will be infused into the astral presence of you, and be integrated in a safe way. An integration of a knight archetype––virtures, armour and weapon included, is also feasible.
The shapeshift, as well as the integration, can be reversed by your intention as if you don’t need it.
You will definitely have unlimited possibilities with this fabulous tool. Enjoy!

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Praying to God for my not being too late for the game :rofl:
I still got some unreleased ideas yet
Hopefully I can make the deadline :melting_face:

Another idea:
(have to edit this thread as no more than 3 threads are allowed :upside_down_face:)
Magnetic Monopole
We all know that a magnet has two poles, each attracting substances of different polarities. In 1931, Paul Dirac predicted the existence of the magnetic monopole, a particle with just one single pole, and therefore attracting substances of only one polarity.
Our existence can be analogized to a magnet. As we raise our vibration, we emit a brighter light, which makes our attraction stronger––On the one hand, we attract more abundance, light, and love, and on the other hand, the other pole of the magnet, attracts negative, darker beings, which is not what we want to see.
This field is designed to transmute your existance, from a magent into a magnetic monopole. With this field, your attraction will manifest as a magnetic monopole. It will turn your attraction to negative beings around and completely transform it into an attraction to the good side of the universe. This means that you will be virtually invisible to negative entities and the universe will show its goodness, love and compassion to you more often, as your attraction to it has been greatly enhanced. Thus, manifestation comes more easily to you as well.

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Paradise NEVER Lost
We have lost our Paradise, we have been separated from our source, the creator. We have forgotten our ture identity.
That’s the teaching of most religions on this planet. And sadly, it seems to be true, to some degree.
But here is a field designed to help realize the concept of an unlost Paradise. According to The Holy Bible, our lost Paradise, or to say, Eden, is a place where we human live together with God/the Creator/the Source.
And please notice. When I’m talking about terms like “Eden”, I’m not talking about religious terms. The “lost Paradise” refers to our current state, where most of us are trapped by the maya/matrix/illusion and mistakenly believe that we have been separated from our Creator. By using the term “Eden” and “Paradise”, I’m taliking about the Oneness state where one realizes that he or she is never separated from God/the Creator/the Source.
So the field will first eliminate your false cognition which is in line with the maya/matrix, mildly fill your conscious and subconscious mind with Divine Truth. Then, the energy signature of the actual Paradise, Eden, will be generated and vibrate within your whole existence, and a portal to Eden will be built up around you. This will enable you to know how does it feel to live with your divine Creator in the Eden, even if you have never felt it before. Your connection with the Source will also be cleared and strengthened in this way. Additionally, you will be carrying the energy of Eden and the Creator wherever you go, and the energy will spontaneously spread. It’s actually turning the world we live into an actual, alive paradise.
With more and more people using this field, longer and longer, the energy signature of Eden will be built up around the world, with increasing scope and strength. Thus, more people around the world can be free from the matrix and feel their oneness with the Creator. We are turning our earth into the unlost Paradise. It’s a gift to our new earth.