Remove Negative Cellular Memory

[Creating a topic for this field since there was none yet]

Remove Negative Cellular Memory / Energetically Programmed Audio

It’s usually pretty easy to know when something’s not working in our lives; the symptoms of pain or anxiety are hard to miss. Cellular memory, however, is easy to overlook. You might have a toothache, or be up late at night worrying over your teenage son’s whereabouts. What’s not so easy is discovering the true source of those problems, and actually healing the source rather than simply managing its symptoms. We have a natural tendency to think the problem is our current circumstance, but this is often inaccurate. If we invest our en¬ergy in changing our circumstances as the source of our problems when our circumstances are not the source of the problem, we simply create more stress!

Over the last 50 years and especially the last 15, experts have verified that the source of your symptoms of pain and anxiety is usually not located in your body or even in your environment. The source is located in the unseen issues of your unconscious and subconscious mind, or what science calls “cellular memory.”

Cancer can be a result of bad cellular memory replacing good ones. Psychological trauma, addiction and depression may all be furthered by abnormal memories inside cells. Diseases that turn up later in life, scientists suspect, may be due to errant memories pro¬grammed into cells as people age. Even real memory, the kind that requires a brain, also seems to rely on memories locked in cells.
Clearing and healing memories requires that we use techniques that work on a bioenergetic, cellular level. This video is working in this direction to clear cellular memory in you body.

You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. You can listen it again when you feel the need.


This field is a gem :slight_smile: Fixing a lot of stuff automatically.


This audio always makes me feel super relaxed as if my body is breathing a sight of relief. Thank you Maitreya


Maitreya can this help Anxiety?

Yes, the description says it so

Have you tried this?

A couple of times some time ago.
I felt working but tried for little time.
Try it for some good time and see.

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Is this have DM?

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No, we don’t have this as a mandala.


Legend has it that this is crazy strong. Have you tried it yet?

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Will it be made into a Mandala sometime this year, of 2024?

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You can purchase the digital mandala for this product at the following link: DM: Remove Negative Cellular Memory

I thought it had been posted, but somehow it turned out that it wasn’t published.


What will replace negative memories?

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In what sense, what will replace them?
I didn’t undestand the question.

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Whether the empty spaces are filled after removing the negative memories, for example, with universal love and joy

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I wouldn’t have known. I was going to buy it today but thankfully I checked my email before. I had some issues with a payment with a mandala, and well, I have priorities XD

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Thanks Maitreya, I think I prefer to pay for it through Gumroad. Will the mandala be available on that platform soon?