Limiting beliefs

Hi everyone, im really struggling with deeply engrained limiting beliefs. All through my life, if i try a spiritual practise, or fields i get a POWERFUL, super powerful surge of results… but then they stop, its like clock work.
Im wondering is there is much that can be done about it. Im asking Oneira for help but its that potent and that regular im not sure it can be reversed… im wondering if i can do anything with fields or even just ignoring these thoughts as they come up and make THAT a spiritual practise alongside the fields

Any thought’s are really appreciated, friends.

Oneria is very powerful ally in removing blocks. It works in your dreams and can help you to overcome them when you sleep.

Play this audio it was designed for resistance. Combined with Oneira, your sub mind won’t be able to resist for too long :slight_smile:

Thankyou Polaris! I will do just that…