Glaucoma (Patreon Exclusive)

[Creating a topic for this field since there was none yet]


Glaucoma causes blindness due to increased pressure within the eye that leads to

damage of the optic disk. This is caused by a blockage in the blood flow to the optic

nerve. The result is the degeneration of nerve fibers. Those who are at the greatest risk

for glaucoma are over 60, people with African~American ancestry, high blood pressure,

diabetes, smokers, steroid users, people with severe myopathy or a family history of


The most common form is called open angle glaucoma. This type of glaucoma has no

symptoms until it is quite advanced and only half of those people with this disorder are

aware that they have it. Open angle glaucoma has no visible blockage in the structure

of the eye and it appears normal. The most pronounced symptom is a gradual loss or

darkening of periphery of vision and a marked decrease in night vision with the ability

of the eye to adjust to darkness. The loss of this ability leaves a person with "tunnel vi~

sion:'low~grade headaches and the need for frequent changes in eyeglass prescription.

A far less common but more serious form of glaucoma is closed angle glaucoma.

This type of glaucoma never manifests any symptoms until very late in the condition.

By this time the vision can be irreversibly damaged. Attacks of this type of glaucoma

occur when the channels through which the eye fluids drain suddenly become constricted

or obstructed. Early warning signs that a problem is developing include eye

pain or discomfort mainly in the morning, blurred vision, seeing halos around lights

and inability of the pupils to adjust to a dark room. Some symptoms can be accompa~

nied by nausea and vomiting. Permanent vision damage can occur in as little as three

to five days making treatment within the first 24 to 48 hours imperative.

Normotensive glaucoma manifests itself even though there is normal fluid pressure

within the eye. With this condition, the optic nerve is damaged and vision is impaired

much the same way as open angle glaucoma but without the increased fluid pressure.

This has led researchers to shift their focus to the optic nerve itself. It is believed that

mechanisms other than pressure may cause changes in the eye that can cause damage

to the optic nerve.

Scientists believe that glaucoma may be closely linked to stress, nutritional problems

or disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Another factor might be gluta~

mate, an amino acid that might somehow be in excessive amounts in the body. Problems with collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, have been linked to

glaucoma. Collagen acts to increase the strength and elasticity of tissues in the body,

especially those of the eye. Collagen and tissue abnormalities at the back of the eye

contribute to the clogging of the tissues thtough which fluid normally dtains. For those

at risk with glaucoma, a yearly eye exam is necessary.

The Eyes~Glaucoma~Belief Systems

Most of the people that I work with that have glaucoma have the associated disease

of diabetes, so many of the Belief Systems would be the same.

  • "The fear of seeing the truth of a situation:’

  • Feelings of inadequacy.

  • Fear of how others perceive you.

  • Unable to accomplish your life’s mission.

  • Allowing other people to treat you inadequately.

  • Being blind to what is going on around you.

  • Having to deal with the people in your life.