Digital Mandalas

That’s actually really cool in terms of how the mandala works, if that’s the case. Awesome, thanks :slight_smile:

Hm, thought.

So assuming a phone can actually run the mandala on the wallpaper correctly even with the screen locked/off, I could possibly mash together in one image all my mandalas I want to have active even if they are small so long as they maintain their individual shapes? I.e. 5 mandalas on one pic, shape is the same but small enough so that all 5 fit


This should work…


Hm, consider that most of the new mandalas only have a range of 5cm. There is now a mandala to extend the range up to 30cm. But you still have to keep your cell phone close at hand

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My cell phone is pretty much in the range most of the time I would need it to be, could have copies that only stay home that therefore would be way more protected from wear and tear or something without all the movement and activity that goes on i.e. at work


Worst case there’s anti-EMF and stuff fields for that anyway

Ah once again did not consider that the younger generations are mostly married to their cell phones. :wink:


I am :slight_smile:

Heck, this is the most faithful one and its stuck around through more than my past, like, 4 or so

So I like this current marriage


Coming in with the clutch moves

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Not really, Sahiela, a mandala size vote was taken and 30cm won, so all mandalas are set to 30cm in reality.


how about the little details (small lines etc ) in the image, downsizing the picture will surely affect those shapes


Well that shouldn’t be a problem. With the right program, all properties are preserved. Even if you can no longer see them so well with the eye. If it weren’t for that, it would be relatively pointless. Who wants to walk around with 30cm laminated pictures?
I even have one that’s just 1 cm tall attached to the back of one of my dog ​​tags and it works.


Is Microsoft word counted in the part of “with the right program” ?


Yes, I mostly use Word in the 2010 version because you can see how big it is. Unfortunately in later versions they probably removed this function. It can happen that you have to print out several times until you have found the right format for your laminating foils.
But there are probably a number of other programs that can do this job. I just do it with Word.

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Thank you and Another question, do the quality of printer matter?

Most printer in shops around here arent that clear when printing images, cost cutting maybe ,

Hm, I mostly print out at work. As long as the picture does not differ too much from the original in terms of color and quality, it should work. It also works in black and white, but my personal impression is not quite as strong.


@Maitreya If we carry a mandala, printed perfectly and not folded on the print but we keep the rest of the paper and fold it so it covers the mandala, and put it in our pocket, will it work just as well as when we cut it out? Because this way the mandala isn’t exactly visible. Even though it’s in our pocket either way.

Folding the paper over it makes it not visible even when we take it out of the pocket.


field \ mandala that charges electric devices, is it possible??


Came up with same idea today, but think not possible :slightly_smiling_face:

Better use mandalas for personal development

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Will work this way too without any problem.


Tested this on my phone when i was in mountain, but charge is very slow… or more like was holding the battery to don’t fall off whole. Will make more tests on that.