Digital Mandalas

It already exists…

From the description:

We included boosting your energy sensitivity…

We changed most of the blocks that stop peoples results so in 2-3 days you should start to feel all these effects super strongly!


I know that. I was asking for audio version of this mandala. A separate audio that will increase energy sensitivity in various ways.

I printed the mandalas on photo paper and a personalized card (CB format) in PVC.

I will put the mandalas in a filing cabinet.

will it still work as well?

where does it have to be visible for the effect to be stronger?

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Just to be sure, I want to ask for confirmation: I will print these 5 mandalas in 4 × 4cm color and stack them together and put them in my wallet. Will they work or do I have to leave 5 separate ones? Thank you very much!

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As long as the image exists, the energy works.


Free Mandala Uploaded in Gumroad and Website

UV-C Light (also called germicidal UV) is part of the ultraviolet spectrum that can inactivate pathogens like bacteria and viruses. UV-C utilizes specific wavelengths of the ultraviolet spectrum, typically between 200 to 280 nanometers.
Germicidal UV products can actually change the DNA and RNA of bacteria and viruses, destroying their ability to reproduce.
Most UV-C products can inactivate up to 99.9% of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and fungus. Viruses are not technically living organisms, so germicidal UV technically “inactivates” viruses.

Range: 10 meters

This digital mandala is intended for use in rooms, not on people. When needed, it should be placed in the necessary room.


Cool, is this far uv-c that is ok for humans or like what they use in water treatment plants where you need special equipment and goggles?


incroyable :open_mouth: !! Merci Maitreya :slightly_smiling_face::pray::heart::sunny:

Can this make a place sterile, for example a bathroom?

:open_mouth: … no more mold !!! ???

Can she sterilize water from a bottle by sticking the image around?

Its gonna be really amazing !!!

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Hadn’t even thought about those applications, but there’s only one way to find out for sure! Thanks for the ideas.


Hey guys, can anyone explain to me how these mandalas works

They emit energy with their shape. All you have to do is either have it as your background or open somewhere. The other thing that can be done is to print them on paper, multiple times to make it more effective. Just keep it around and the job will be done



I put it as wallpaper and I have 4 fields of Sapien on me.

It literally works better than ego dissolution lol!

Instant integration!

Gonna print this tomorrow, I can only imagine how much better its gonna work when its on you 24/7.

This is gold!

(Gonna have to be careful when my family watches television tho, ((they)) put subliminals everywhere, especially in advertisements, maybe its best to wear only outside or with tv off?)


Can you tell what those Subliminals are making you believe?

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hmm these are square, will putting them as a background on a phone that will only allow a rectangular slice of it still work?(the sides would be cropped and thus not the entire mandala will be visible)


You are energy sensitive?

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Because I don’t feel any “energy” from these pictures. That’s why im asking

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print energetic sensitivity mandala then


Can we photo laser digital mandalas? @Maitreya