Awaken Your Intuition & Psychic Abilities | 1111 x Golden Timeline | Energetically Programmed Audio

This audio is designed to shift you onto a golden timeline where your Divine abilities & intuition are activated. Through this energetically programmed field, that supports the reawakening and enhancement of your natural psychic skills—including intuition, clairvoyance, and other extrasensory perceptions. By listening consistently, you move into an environment that encourages steady growth and deepening of these abilities.

As the field takes effect, you may notice clearer inner guidance, more vivid insights, or a heightened awareness of subtle energies. Over time, these experiences can help you understand and apply your developing gifts in practical situations. This field also tends to attract learning opportunities that align with your new level of awareness, making it easier to refine your skills.

Additionally, integrating virtues like compassion, integrity, patience, and humility can significantly amplify these effects. By cultivating strong ethical and moral foundations, you create a stable platform for safely and effectively harnessing your expanding abilities, ensuring a well-rounded journey of personal and spiritual development.

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Sounds amazing! Thank you!

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Thank you! I love the idea of a timeline. One month, everything is vivid. I see and hear earthbound spirits, aliens, portals, and tunnels. The next month, there’s nothing at all. Perhaps a psychic timeline could bring more stability.

Your mind might switch off seeing and feeling when your body is overstimulated or overloaded. It is a built-in self-defence mechanism to keep you in your body.

If you want stable access to your psychic gifts, you need to root yourself in reality. Connect spiritual and material. I call it anchoring. When you work with high vibrational crystals for example, you always keep one that is grounding you (usually black). You can create a talisman that will anchor you to this world.

Another often neglected aspect is to keep your body strong. Your physical body is very important in your psychic abilities. Of course you can find many gurus who are not in shape BUT strong mind + strong body + strong soul. Focus on the soul and neglect your body is not good. Focus on your body and forget about your mind won’t help you to achieve your full power.

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Hmm just played it the last two days and I feel a sudden interest in the gateway experience tapes :thinking:

I am learning stuff that is new for me too- negenotropy and chaos theory :dancer:

@NatiNati can you make topics about it? I am intrigued. Of course, if this resonates with you.

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That’s a great suggestion! I will make a post once I am a bit through with it. It will be a test of my explanation abilities :grin:

I would like to ask you about the use of audio.
How many times a day is it recommended to listen to it?
Should it be listened to with headphones?