Any ideas on what to do to save the planet? Using fields?

I know its a broad subject but what can we do to help heal the community. Spreading love and peace throughout the earth. Giving people back their freedom. Which is really important and influencing people in power to have a change in heart. Does anyone else want to use fields to do this? Or magic or something? Does anyone else want to make a difference. I do. Please share ideas and subjects and resources. We need to not just influence but persuade politicians and law makers ect. I’m distraught people just don’t do the right thing anymore unless they have a motive. We also need help so people don’t give up hope. And people band together to fight climate change. Its the only way I see it is contacting you guys here and together as a group.


Do you think this one is relevant?


you can also send unconditional love to a specific person: DM: Send Unconditional Love - MaitreyaFields


Save yourself first and other things will be fine.
People can be only responsible for their life.
The collective things have meanings and lessons for people and you don’t need to carry this weight on you.

Magick and similar shits are forbidden in this forum.
We won’t support people to ruin their live/s/.


I have thoughts about saving the planet or people and feel like selfish if I don’t do it.
But it’s good to know we don’t need that weight on us.
What about being lightworker ? Is that like magic

If you have that mission you will be aligned to that path doesn’t matter if want it or not…

Btw, everyone can already do if want it by having high vibs always, spreading love… Start small no need to do big stuff… Everything counts…


When you see the world as a place need to be saved.
Then you need to be saved too.
Everything is perfect as they are. It just our perception different.


“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.” - Rumi :slightly_smiling_face: