The Inter-dimensional Museum | Etsy

This pendant has an inbuilt field that when used during meditation or sleep can bring up memories from ancient times, other dimensions, other planes of existence, even other planets and galaxies, where you have attended art performances, visited museums, or viewed and experienced art from that place and time. It is impossible to predict what will your experience be, it is certain it is beyond our imagination. You will experience heightened senses during the visions or dreams.


If you are someone who struggles with meditation because it’s “boring” or nothing interesting happens and you love art, this is the one for you. Even if you don’t “love” art, you’ll find unique, interesting experiences that can really brighten up your day. Now, everyone’s own experience will be different so I won’t say too many details about events, but rather the experience of meditating with it. As soon as you make contact with the pendant there is an instant increase in stimulation being felt (of sense perception, especially in mental/brain area + heightened visual imagery) and for some with hyper minds like myself it can be a bit jarring and difficult to “calm down’ when first meditating with this. Keep practicing and focus on trying to let things come to you - you won’t be able to stop because it really is enjoyable. I’ve never thought of meditating as “enjoyable,” but rather it felt good for my mental peace, emotional and physical etc, but this is the first of some theme park-esque thrill anticipation before a session.

Sometimes we find it tough to meditate because we may not perceive at a conscious level to be “Getting something out of it”

Well, you’re going to get something I can tell you that much. This may not be the most spiritually transformative energetic block remover or you may have plenty of other items on your mind before this one - but I can’t recommend this enough, if you’ve convinced yourself that meditating is a dull experience any day. It’s nothing but experiences. When we’re ‘still’ with the universe we have access to everything. What’s less exciting if anything…….is the restless reality lived by some, where we ignore the subtle beauties the world has to offer. If you work at improving clearer visualizations, dream detail + recall or wanting to get improve at keeping a relaxed state in the process of receiving of visual information, this is great. It’s allowed me to meditate more, not just with it, but enjoy meditation without it and open myself up to what’s coming to me.