Important Update: Email Support Changes & Forum Assistance

Our team member @Polaris has embarked on a new direction in life and will no longer be able to assist us with customer support via email: , and possibly in the forum as well.

Given that we currently have a limited team and resources, we will not be able to respond to emails until we find a new person.

Please, send us emails only for inquiries related to placed orders and problems with them - for example, duplicated orders, incorrect files, etc.

If you have any other questions that need answering, post topics in the forum. We will try to respond to them, and likewise, another person in the forum who already has enough experience with the subjects may be able to give you the advice you need.

This also helps the forum to develop further, and perhaps someone else is looking for the same question you are, so it would be nice for everything to be in one place.

Thank you for your understanding.


Thanks for the update.

On a little side tangent, is there a reason we should be aware about why the GTFO field discussion was deleted yesterday(at my time at least)?

We didn’t delete any posts. What I can see on my end is that you deleted your first, wrote a new and edited the new four times, but nothing shows me that anything else was deleted.

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This is weird, I swear I couldn’t find the GTFO discussion yesterday but now it is there.

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Hey Polaris i wish you all the best on your new direction!! You are a great forummanager and i will miss your always helpful, respectful and own expierence based posts in the future!
Much love❤️

And maitreya if you need help, i will be there if i can help! A few weeks back we talked about that, but i still don’t posess an computer and I’m not a pro if it comes to fields, but if i can help you with support or something else, talk to me.
Greetings to all :slight_smile:


All the best on your journeys Polaris! Thank you for your patience, kindness, generosity and willingness to share your experiences and wisdom. I have felt very held and supported by you in the forum. You and Nymtaar really created an amazing forum experience.
Much love and take care :heartpulse:
Maitreya, even though I am a Projector, I would still like to volunteer as a helping hand. :saluting_face:


Thank you :hugs:blue_heart: I’ll still be around once in a while. You have no idea how many times you’ve inspired me to try something new or rethink. I strongly believe that we will grow together, and less of me means more of you, sharing your ideas and experiences. Thank you in advance to everyone who will look after our community :blue_heart: :blue_heart: